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What are some good books about how to deal with family issues?

Profile: fionalee
fionalee on Nov 8, 2014 more
Feeling Good Together by David Burns - a book about using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in conflicts with others. It has lots of exercises and good examples, and it's very accessible.
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Profile: SageBunny
SageBunny on Jan 2, 2015 more
My favorite book on family issues is "Toxic Parents" by Susan Forward. It's especially helpful for adults of any age who have been abused or manipulated by their parents.
Profile: Subhasis
Subhasis on Dec 8, 2014 more
7 Habits of Highly Effective Families by Stephen Covey seems to me to be a good place to start exploring how to work around / sort out family issues.
Profile: PeaceTrain
PeaceTrain on Nov 10, 2014 more
I can suggest you to look into 'Emotional Intelligence' by Daniel Goleman and 'Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus' by John Grey. Both are really good books, that could really help us well in dealing with family issues.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 12, 2014 more
Stress and coping in families, Maguire, Katheryn; Surviving Step-families, Gregg-Carr, Michael; Surviving Adolescents, Gregg-Carr, Michael
Profile: wonderousness
wonderousness on Dec 24, 2014 more
The Everything Self-Esteem Book: Boost Your Confidence, Achieve Inner Strength, and Learn to Love Yourself by Robert M. Sherfield is a great self help book that takes a deep look into how your family and friends have shaped the view you have of yourself. It helps you to be more understanding of why they do the things they do and how not to let it affect you emotionally.
Profile: slowdyingflower
slowdyingflower on Nov 23, 2014 more
The perks of being a wallflower by Stephen Chbosky has helped me a lot. It's a great book and I highly recommend it!
Profile: anaisabel
anaisabel on Dec 19, 2014 more
Adult Children: The Secrets of Dysfunctional Families by John and Linda Friel "It is estimated that as many as 34 million people grew up in alcoholic homes. But what about the rest of us? What about families that had no alcoholism, but did have perfectionism, workaholism, compulsive overeating, intimacy problems, depression, problems in expressing feelings, plus all the other personality traits that can produce a family system much like an alcoholic one? Countless millions of us struggle with these kinds of dysfunctions every day, and until very recently we struggled alone. Pulling together both theory and clinical practice, John and Linda Friel provide a readable explanation of what happened to us and how we can rectify it."
Profile: WantsToFeel
WantsToFeel on Dec 29, 2014 more
Split by Swati Avasthi. It's a book about the effects abuse can have on families. It's written... poignantly, to say the least. It sucks you right into the emotion and struggle the family feels, and in its own way, it is beautiful.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Sep 28, 2015 more
Life is the best book your own life will teach you everything or you can read about other's life because we do not have life time to repeat mistakes again and again .. read about other's life learn from there mistakes and keep moving
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Feb 1, 2016 more
Family Problems : Stress, Risk and Resilience by Joyce A. Arditti , Toxic Parents;overcoming their hurtful legacy and reclaiming legacy by Susan Forward, Mind in the making : 7 essential life skills a child needs by Ellen Galinsky
Profile: originalRabbit76
originalRabbit76 on Jul 25, 2016 more
Some good books are fault in our stars because it shows a crisis and how it effects everyone and problems
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 18, 2017 more
The most helpful book I have found, and a great place to start, is Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud. It was very eye opening knowing exactly what a boundary was, how to enforce it, and how boundaries are essential to our relationships and their health.
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