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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Aug 7, 2016 more
"Too much" is when you are interfering with your healthy lifestyle because of your exercising. This can be anywhere from 15 minutes to 5 hours... if the exercise is inhibiting you from living life, it is TOO MUCH. If exercise is blocking you from eating, it is TOO MUCH. If exercise is depriving you of sleep, it is TOO MUCH. If you feel constantly in pain, exhausted, worn out, it is TOO MUCH. If your social life is suffering, it is TOO MUCH. Exercise should contribute, not subtract, from a healthy happy life.
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Profile: BreatheEasy247
BreatheEasy247 on Aug 3, 2016 more
if you feel physically weak or light headed, or to the point you are putting too much strain on your body and are in pain.
Profile: OneMomentInHerPresence
OneMomentInHerPresence on May 24, 2018
Exercise Motivation Expert more
There's not a specific limit of how much excercise is too much really, it's all in proportion with how many calories you eat. The mroe you eat, the more you can excercise. The less you eat, the less you can excercise. Just don't excercise too excessivley and remember to eat when you're hungry.
Profile: listenercat5678
listenercat5678 on Aug 4, 2016 more
Too much exercise is when you feel your body almost collapsing with exhaustion. After this point, your body cannot handle the exercising.
Profile: Hope
Hope on Aug 20, 2016 more
Exercising is good for you in many ways for your physical as well as mental health , but like any good thing there is a possibility to out do it, returning to the question the answer will differ from one individual to other depending upon their current physical health
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 3, 2020 more
The amount of exercise that is classified as "too much" is contingent based on person to person. This is as people have different bodies - which can take different amounts of physical strain based on lifestyle, diet, general health and fitness and anything which may impact the type of activity you do for example cardiovascular diseases. However, the moment exercise begins to hurt you unbearably - which is considering that you did your warm ups properly otherwise your muscles may be stiff, you feel really dizzy or you throw up are signs that your exercise is either too strenuous or its too prolonged.
Profile: Greatlistener87
Greatlistener87 on Aug 3, 2016 more
3 times a week is the average, about 2 hours max a day. If you are doing more days then lessen the time in each day. If you have any side effects at all do visit your doctor to confirm what is it you are over doing.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Aug 5, 2016 more
Honestly it depends on the person. You should always think of your health while exercising and consult your doctor
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Aug 19, 2016 more
If it's to the point it's ruining your life, or hurting others or yourself, that'd be too much exercise.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Oct 2, 2016 more
If your body is in severe pain then stop, there is pushing the limit a little and then pushing it too much.. Listen to your body.
Profile: rachsxo
rachsxo on May 29, 2019 more
There's no set number for everyone, because every person is different. In order to decide what is too much for an individual, I think setting both short term and long term goals will help you to achieve the desired results while preventing overworking yourself. As a former competition dancer, I made it a goal to get both of my splits in time for competition season. I would stretch both sides every night for the same time each night and go until I no longer felt comfortable holding the position I was in. I did eventually get my right split (I have medical issues that made my left split significantly more difficult) and I was able to avoid overworking myself and injuring myself by knowing my body's limits, and I am very satisfied with my results! more
Anything too much or too little is ineffective and wrong, a balance therefore must be there, suited to your own personal needs and wants and capabilities! While it ofcourse depends from person to person, I feel , too much exercise could be when, your body starts getting exerting more, the exercise seems forced more than willing, the good hormones released after physical workout not making you feel good anymore, instead just making you feel more exhausted, drained and stressed , consistent body ache etc . So do consult a doctor and/or a trainer and only do just much your body can and should take, only then will the results be effectively! One cross fit at a time ❤
Profile: BronaghC
BronaghC on Aug 12, 2016 more
Too much exercise is when your body is sending signals, trouble breathing, headache, aches. They themselves aren't the problems, they are just like alarms in your body, warning you of other problems that might be occurring/might happen. So basically. Stop ASAP when these warning occur. You can shrug headaches off when your sick, when you haven't physically did anything to start them, but when you are exercising DO NOT ignore the signs.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Aug 14, 2016 more
Physical symptoms such as persistent headaches, irregular breathing or heart rate, aches and pains can indicate that the body is struggling under the current pressure. Its important to pace yourself and have rest days. Too much exercise will mean the body cannot comfortably function
Profile: Therhythmofheart
Therhythmofheart on Aug 20, 2016 more
Trying to exercise more than your potential is too much.. Try to increase the your potential gradually. Don't rush to achieve the goal, take baby steps instead.
Profile: CoachJohn
CoachJohn on Aug 21, 2016 more
There is such a thing as overtraining! Although having vigorous workouts are fine, make sure you stretch well and often, as well as constantly hydrating and giving your body the foods that you need to be at your very best. When you feel pain more than basic fatigue soreness, stop, get it checked out by a coach, trainer, or medical staff member, and stretch it out if they deem there is no injury.
Profile: lovingLynx89
lovingLynx89 on Aug 25, 2016 more
Your body will speak to you. If you feel dizzy, or short of breath, ligth headed, but also talk to your health provider. Good luck!
Profile: Snowzee9
Snowzee9 on Aug 31, 2016 more
To much exercise is when you push yourself to point of exhaustion where you are out of breath and heavy sweating.
Profile: brookeshere
brookeshere on Sep 10, 2016 more
exersize to the point your body feels tired. not to the point you can't handle it, you should be able to feel fine after a shower & nap.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Sep 22, 2016 more
It really depends on the person. For me, I honestly don't think I've ever worked out just too much. If you feel like you're developing serious physical issues, you might be overdoing it. If you can't focus on anything else, but exercise, you may be overdoing it. If you're asking yourself whether or not it's too much, it probably is.....
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