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Is skinny always considered a compliment?

193 Answers
Last Updated: 06/11/2022 at 2:54am
Is skinny always considered a compliment?
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Danielle Gonzales, PsyD


Hello! My name is Dani, I am a Psychologist and registered Psych Assistant. I have a passion for helping a different types of clients from all diverse backgrounds!

Top Rated Answers
July 11th, 2021 6:45am
Different life experiences cause people to view things in vastly different ways. So, for some the word skinny may not mean much, for some it will be a compliment, while for others it may be a 'bad word'/insult. It depends on the region you're in as well as on your peer group's views. In some places, it may be expected / the norm to comment on others bodies, while in other places, it is considered bad form to comment on others' bodies. it is also important to not let others' comments change how you see your body. I hope no matter what people say, you will be able to show yourself love.
August 8th, 2021 1:28pm
Not really. Weight and body image can often be very sensitive or trigerring topics to a lot of people. In today's world, "skinny" is often considered the ideal standard for a "beautiful body". However, I can assure you that it is not. There might be several implications behind someone's appearance and it is not okay for anybody to comment on it. Someone skinny might be suffering with an eating disorder or might need serious help. Telling them that they are skinny in the form of a compliment might lead them to believe that what they're doing is right and that they should continue it. 'Skinny' or not, everyone is beautiful in their own way. Think before commenting on something someone can not or might not be able to control.
August 18th, 2021 11:41am
I think it depends on the situation, really. If somebody struggled with losing weight and is proud of their process, I think it is a compliment. But in other situations, it is a comment that should be avoided, like many compliments about a person’s appearance. Not every person is proud of being skinny and if somebody is struggling with an eating disorder or is unhappy with their body, it might make matters worse. This is true with a lot of compliments about bodily features. If you really have to compliment somebody’s body, maybe just tell them that you like their figure without really describing it.
December 5th, 2021 1:09pm
Personally, I hate being called skinny as a compliment as I do not see it as one but other people believe it is a compliment. It depends how it makes you feel though and if you feel like it is a compliment to you - does it make you feel happy in yourself is one of the best questions to ask yourself. Most people feel like they are giving out a compliment though so do not worry about whether or not they mean it in a nice way. Just view yourself as how you feel comfortable with yourself because that is what matters the most. :)
December 5th, 2021 3:10pm
Hello there! I can tell you with confidence that being called skinny is not always considered a compliment. With every description of the body, it is up to interpretation. Also, people of many body types and sizes, have different experiences, even those with similar bodies. With that, being called skinny will hold a different meaning for each individual, no matter what the intent of the adjective usage was. So, while beauty standards widely praise those who are slender, it does not mean that everyone agrees on the connotation of the word. Everybody has their own associated feelings towards that word, so its unique to the individual.
February 9th, 2022 4:45pm
No, I believe skinny isn't always considered a compliment I believe it truly depends on the person. For example, personally, I am on a weight loss journey so if someone called me skinny I would take it as a compliment because it means my weight is showing. Someone who would not take skinny as a compliment is if they have low self-esteem with their body or body image issues or if they have an eating disorder being called skinny could be a trigger word. Instead of saying skinny we could say "you look fit" or "wow, you look really good".. the word skinny does not always have to be used.
March 23rd, 2022 10:23am
Skinny is most definitely not always a compliment. Sometimes it can feel good to hear such a thing, especially if you had been trying to/have lost weight. But other times, it may sound extremely demotivating. For example; if you are trying to gain weight, and somebody comments how skinny you are, you may feel that you're not making progress which can lead to other issues such as depression and intensified body dysmorphia. With this in mind, it's best not to comment on somebody's appearance; their weight might be a sensitive topic or the weight could correlate to an underlying illness, meaning they can't influence it. Furthermore, in my personal experience, I find it much more satisfactory if someone compliments my personality (e.g. helpfulness, knowledge, kindness) rather than my looks.
March 30th, 2022 10:34pm
Sometimes being called skinny can make that person feel quite upset because they might not like the attention therefore being called skinny is not always a compliment to the person. This also may trigger the person as they may not like the attention when everyone goes around saying "omg look how skinny they are, I want to be just like them" because they might not like the constant chats about them. Some people can actually be quite rude about it because people are so skinny saying things like "do you not eat?" Or "ew why are you so skinny" this may cause the person to feel insecure about themselves.
April 3rd, 2022 6:42pm
No, it's not. There are plenty of people in the world who have negative images of themselves for being too skinny and wishing they were more muscular. Or perhaps someone is sick and losing weight, but not on purpose, now you've just reminded them of their illness. That person you call skinny could have spent the last 6 months of his life at the gym trying to bulk up. You're better off not commenting on other people's body unless they invite you into a conversation about it themselves. Perhaps it is better to focus on what's on the inside, not the shell you see on the outside.
April 30th, 2022 11:15am
Personally, I don't think compliments should be based around body types. They don't really mean much and can often reinforce negative stereotypes! For instance, when my relationship with my body was at it's unhealthiest, I was being complimented for being skinny! Which only reinforced unhealthy patterns for me. Instead, I think compliments centred around something we're proud of and have put an effort into mean so much more! It tells us the other person actually thought about the compliment instead of saying the first thing that came to mind. It also tends to stick with us for so much longer.
May 12th, 2022 7:17pm
No, in my experience being called skinny growing up led to an expectation that I would always be that way, I've never been very big, but I'm not naturally tiny either and as a result I've struggled with eating disorders over the years including anorexia and bulimia and still to this day at 30 have problems with it, I would suggest that body based compliments can have far reaching effects that the person giving may not have taken into consideration no matter how well meaning they were in saying it - words can stick with people for a long time
May 12th, 2022 8:30pm
No, some individuals struggle to gain weight which could cause them to feel self conscious about their body being 'skinny'. Even though some people believe calling someone skinny is always a compliment sometimes it can be just as harmful as 'fat'. For some people with eating disorders by calling them 'skinny' it can trigger negative emotions and can bring back their eating disorder as it can encourage them to look at their body and think negatively. Personally I believe an individual should never compliment on another persons body as you never know how someone may take your words. you may think what you are saying is a compliment but to others it may not feel that way.
June 5th, 2022 11:34am
Hey, first of all, if you take it as one. Yeah, I would consider it as a compliment. If you are really wondering if it was, think back on how they delivered it! Did they say it in a- you are gorgeous way or say you were skinny? Then decide if that makes you uncomfortable; if it does feel free to tell them that. If you are comfortable with being complimented then I love that for you!! Most importantly stick up for yourself!! It is important for you well-being! We always need to protect ourselves and trust me, I know it's hard but you can do it!