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Profile: ZaraSmiles
ZaraSmiles on Mar 13, 2015 more
The initial feelings after talking can vary from person to person. It may seem, at first, then talking about what has happened to you has made you feel worse but after a little while, you may realise that talking about it and expressing your emotions can make you feel a lot better! For some, the relief of talking about what has happened comes instantly. Talking about it and letting out your feelings is part of the recovery process and can help you take steps towards healing.
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Profile: Jaelin
Jaelin on Sep 11, 2014 more
Talking about what has happened to you can, at first, make you feel a little worse but once you start you can sometimes find that letting your emotions and the experience out and really accepting it can make you feel better and help you to move forward and start healing.
Profile: Pandette
Pandette on Nov 16, 2014 more
I think this completely depends on yourself. I mean, in my own experience, many people have told me they always seem to feel worse when discussing it, but over time it made them feel better. That's because the negative thoughts no longer lingered around in their minds! :)
Profile: CMThornRose
CMThornRose on Oct 7, 2014 more
At first it may do. That's because you will be revisiting the emotions and feeling them again as it's emotional recall. After however, you should feel like a weight has been lifted from your shoulders and relaxed as you've let everything that you've locked up out.
Profile: TheSnowQueen18
TheSnowQueen18 on Nov 13, 2014 more
I'm just starting some counseling right now, and I can tell you that it might feel worse at first because maybe you haven't talked about what's going on before. It might dredge up a lot of feelings. But then it's going to get so much better, and you'll be so glad you did. (And no matter if you feel bad a lot or not, you will probably feel relief at being able to get it out--I know I did!)
Profile: FaeKrieger
FaeKrieger on Sep 18, 2014 more
While I'm talking about what happened I may feel worse, but getting it out helps my understanding of what happened in the situation and how I should feel about it from an objective point-of-view.
Profile: SarahNicole
SarahNicole on Sep 27, 2014 more
It honestly could at first. Working through any problem can be intense, but when you get through it and feel as though someone understands you, in the end you will feel better.
Profile: Nini108
Nini108 on Oct 20, 2014 more
It can trigger emotions but once you have let these feelings out it can offer release. Telling someone how you feel can release a lot of pressure from you, making you feel more relaxed and calmer than before.
Profile: RYBH
RYBH on Oct 26, 2014 more
Yes and no. Talking things out generally can help almost all people get there emotions of of themselves. So emotionally it might be worse, but on the inside, you won't be keeping anything in anymore.
Profile: zara24
zara24 on Oct 27, 2014 more
Absolutely not ! You'll actually feel better by talking to people ! It always feels good to talk to someone like a friend.It refreshes us and may even solve our problems !
Profile: BabyPingu
BabyPingu on Oct 27, 2014 more
That depends.... Sometimes it does help right away!! For others it takes a few times.. and it takes a bit of time.. because when you talk about things sometimes make you feel worse at first but then most of the time makes you feel better! :)
Profile: Miiiranda987
Miiiranda987 on Nov 9, 2014 more
Sometimes talking about things that have happened to you do make you feel worse at first, if you have held it in for a long time. That is all part of the recovery process though. You have to feel worse and express your feelings in order to get better.
Profile: Simmeh
Simmeh on Sep 13, 2014 more
No it always will make me feel more relieved. Talking about your feelings is a amazing way to get things of your chest!
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Oct 8, 2014 more
it shall definately make you feel better, talking makes one's emotions flow regardless of what they are.
Profile: Sienna
Sienna on Oct 18, 2014 more
No. Talking about whatever had happened will make you feel loads better. It really helps to get everything out.
Profile: DeniseZ
DeniseZ on Oct 30, 2014 more
It is completely normal to feel a little worse before you feel better, while processing something. Everyone processes feelings differently.
Profile: Charity0
Charity0 on Nov 2, 2014 more
This depends on what part of the journey to recovery you are on and also your personality. What is important though to note is even if talking about it does make you feel awful, it is a path you must take at some point to heal your trauma and move on. Whether you do it now or later is totally up to you.
Profile: silversphinx1
silversphinx1 on Nov 2, 2014 more
No! Talking always makes things clearer in the head. Its even better when you can write things down :)
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 4, 2014 more
It could. But it also could be liberating. Getting your thoughts out and verbalized can often be helpful in realizing what the root of your problem is.
Profile: Wes2
Wes2 on Nov 4, 2014 more
It may certainly make you feel upset or cry, but it can only help in the long run. You may even feel an immediate relief, like a weight is lifted off of you. The first step to moving on from something is addressing it. The best way to do this is to vocalize it. Talk to someone you love and trust, or speak privately to a professional.
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