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Why do I feel so depressed before my period?

Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Sep 11, 2015 more
It could most likely be PMS, due to the fluctuation of your hormones.. Perfectly natural that time of month, happens to me every time. I suggest practising some self-care and being kind to yourself during this time :)
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Profile: LuminousMeadow
LuminousMeadow on Oct 23, 2015 more
When you are experiencing your period your bodies hormones are different than they are at any other time. This can affect your moods & mental stability. Some people even have medical conditions where their periods affect them so badly that medication is necessary for them to be able to get through that time of the month. Many people are affected with depression when they have their period so you are not alone.
Profile: TaraIsMyName
TaraIsMyName on Nov 15, 2015 more
If you are feeling depressed before your period you could be suffering from Premenstrual Syndrome which basically is a compilation of signs and symptoms experienced before your menstruation. As many as 90% of women experience these signs and symptoms before their period. How do you know you are experiencing Premenstrual Syndrome? **If symptoms are reliably severe enough to interfere with quality of life. **Physical and emotional symptoms occur reliably a few days before multiple consecutive menses (periods). **The symptoms go away after completing a period and don't occur at other times. **The symptoms cause significant personal problems (such as at work, school, or in relationships). **No medicines, drugs, alcohol, or other health condition might be to blame. Exactly what causes premenstrual syndrome is unknown, but several factors may contribute to the condition: **Cyclic changes in hormones. Signs and symptoms of premenstrual syndrome change with hormonal fluctuations and disappear with pregnancy and menopause. **Chemical changes in the brain. Fluctuations of serotonin, a brain chemical (neurotransmitter) that is thought to play a crucial role in mood states, could trigger PMS symptoms. Insufficient amounts of serotonin may contribute to premenstrual depression, as well as to fatigue, food cravings and sleep problems. **Depression. Some women with severe premenstrual syndrome have undiagnosed depression, though depression alone does not cause all of the symptoms.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jan 15, 2016 more
Because it is a hard time for any girl and for hormonal activites you know. But it is normal. Try tobe comfortable
Profile: futurerelevance
futurerelevance on Jan 28, 2016 more
Your body is going through a lot of changes as it moves through your cycle. Just remember that you may be feeling depressed because of your hormones, and that it will pass. Try to take care of yourself when this happens.
Profile: benevolentSpring21
benevolentSpring21 on Apr 16, 2016 more
I've no idea, but so do I! Obviously its a hormone mix up, but that's not much consolation, is it? Things that help me are eating and drinking well ( which takes discipline because I lose my appetite), practicing mindfulness (all month round) and Vit C supplements for some reason. Knowing its just the hormones and will soon pass helps if I realise that's whats happening. Keeping a calendar helps some with that.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Aug 19, 2015 more
I feel depressed because I feel like the whole world is against me and that nothing will ever work out but it is normal. It is just your hormones fluctuating. Don't worry about it! It is very normal for this to happen. My mom got depressed before her period too.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Aug 20, 2015 more
This may be due to a rise of hormones or hormonal changes which makes you feel more extreme versions of emotion.
Profile: Midichan
Midichan on Aug 21, 2015 more
Usually it depends on the person personally i know i am faster to get annoyed and i yell at my friends. Don't worry it happens to every girl. (i'm not a guy so i can't speak for them). And it's completely natural. But if you are feeling depression whether before your period or just at a random day of the week. It's okay to talk to people here on 7 cups of tea. There's always somebody willing to listen.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Aug 21, 2015 more
Right before the menstrual cycle the hormones increases causing the body to be become more sensitive, so emotions also would tend to highten and you would become more emotional at that time.
Profile: heartsNcupcakes
heartsNcupcakes on Aug 21, 2015 more
Before your period your body goes trough tons of hormonal/chemical changes. So it can decrease the serotonin and heighten depression or anxiety.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Aug 22, 2015 more
Maybe because of the mood swings. Like some people get really angry or upset before it. Some people get depressed. So it might just me mood swings. It's normal, but if you see it as a problem, then I would suggest seeing a doctor about it.
Profile: TamaHawk
TamaHawk on Aug 22, 2015 more
What your feeling is a Normal range of emotions before your period - hormones play a huge part in how you feel. Personally, I used to get major headaches and feel unhappy, but now I decide to hike. The increase in my serotonin level balances me out and the hike distracts me from my headache. What can you try or have tried that helps before you get depressed?
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Aug 27, 2015 more
It's normal.. It happens to me all the time.. You'll just get over it one day.. Don't stress out....
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Aug 27, 2015 more
Before your period, your hormones can get unbalanced and make you feel sad. This is called premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and "can include mood swings, tender breasts, food cravings, fatigue, irritability, and depression" among other things.
Profile: clearMoon
clearMoon on Aug 29, 2015 more
Pre-menopausal dysphoric disorder, or PMDD, is a real medical condition that is marked by extreme behavior changes before your period. It is very easy to treat, most commonly with birth control pills. Talk to your doctor, they should be able to help you out.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Aug 29, 2015 more
It could be hormonal. The rush of hormones as your body divests itself of the preparations that it had made for pregnancy.
Profile: PoliteOcean
PoliteOcean on Sep 2, 2015 more
There are alot of "hormonal" changes that go along with the female "cycle". If you are having ongoing issues of feeling depressed during this timeframe, you might want to consider speaking with your healthcare provider to discuss options to help.
Profile: Flowerthingy
Flowerthingy on Sep 2, 2015 more
because the hormones passing through your brain can make you feel sad. it is very normal for young women to feel like this.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Sep 4, 2015 more
This is possible because your hormones are very much all over the place, and you have not got control over them
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