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Profile: ThaliaRavenclaw
ThaliaRavenclaw on Feb 13, 2016 more
This triggered something in my head. I remembered when I was younger and I wanted to run away from home, I'm telling you: I despised my family. They caused me headaches and heartaches and I felt like I couldn't deal anymore, but i promise you: life gets better and sometimes you need to stick around for the rainbow to come after the pain from the rain hitting your cheeks and then sun taunting you with the thought to run away. Hang in there anyone who wants to run away. Hang in there,
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Profile: Freebirdie
Freebirdie on Apr 22, 2016 more
How old are you? Can you take care of yourself? Can you earn by yourself and manage building a career? Would running away solve the problem due to which you're running away? Answer these questions and decided for yourself :)
Profile: DKListener
DKListener on Feb 26, 2016 more
what is the reason for wanting to run away from home ? it sounds like a family problem am I right ? :)
Profile: SlySlytherin123
SlySlytherin123 on Feb 18, 2016 more
No. I have done this before a couple times actually, and it caused so much stress for my parents and friends. They didnt even know if i was alive or not they were freaking out.
Profile: PluviophilicPerson
PluviophilicPerson on Feb 20, 2016 more
Think about this first. Why would you run away from home? If it's domestic violence, call your National Domestic Violence Hotline. If not, can you talk about it here?
Profile: shvrry
shvrry on Feb 18, 2016 more
No. Don't ever do so. It's a huge and harsh world out there, and anything can happen to you. Your parents are working and trying to provide a roof over your head. The worst thing you could do is abandon them. No matter what happens, it's your home. There's no place like home.
Profile: darlingyouregorgeous
darlingyouregorgeous on Feb 14, 2016 more
Running away from home is never a good idea unless you have a valid reason and a place to stay. Before making this decision make sure you will have everything you need to be safe and healthy.
Profile: davaiyedem
davaiyedem on Feb 13, 2016 more
You need to do what helps you feel better. Of course, you are free to leave your home. But do not forget to think about the important things. Will you have a house, food? Will you have someone's support? Think about it and think about what you lose and what you gain. And be sure to take care of yourself.
Profile: amiablePeace77
amiablePeace77 on Jul 17, 2017 more
Wanting to run away from home means wanting to escape from something, leaving something behind. It brings us into a new situation, sometimes a situation we could not assess properly in advance. Consequently more problems might come up, and also we are taking ourselves with us. Whatever internal reason made us run away, we are taking it with us, we just shift it from one point to the other.
Profile: sk8terboy16
sk8terboy16 on Feb 17, 2016 more
no you shouln't run away.what if your parent and siblings worry about you if one of your sibling ran away how would you feel
Profile: Willofheart
Willofheart on Feb 19, 2016 more
make sure you're independent first in every way, and have plenty of support wherever you're going or else you'll be back home sooner or later
Profile: compassionateCat90
compassionateCat90 on Feb 19, 2016 more
Sweetie no. Even if it's bad at home, running away doesn't solve anything. There's no telling what could happen when you have to rely on trusting strangers to help you out.
Profile: dxlight
dxlight on Mar 23, 2016 more
If your home enviroments and peoples there harm you. You should think about getting professional help by calling 199 or seek help from student counselor or from a professional therapists
Profile: Yourfairygodbro
Yourfairygodbro on Feb 13, 2016 more
That really depends. Would you be better fed and taken care of at home or by running away? What about your education? I can't give a strait answer to this but before deciding, you should consider how different things would be affected by you running away.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Feb 14, 2016 more
First, before you consider this, ask yourself who you would be leaving behind. Also consider your future. Will running away from home help you start a good life? Is there something at home that causes you to do less than you're capable of? Then decide. Also remember that there are people that love you. Think about that when you make your decision.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Mar 11, 2016 more
Listen, I know sometimes it feels like nobody cares. But people do care! If not your mom, dad, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandmas, grandpas, etc., me and all of 7 Cups care! We will be here for you no matter what. Now, if you are in an abusive situation where your gut feeling tells you "get out before you get hurt", listen and call a hotline or 911.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Apr 24, 2016 more
Running away from home is a serious issue. Why do you feel as though you should run away? What do you think the outcome of running away would be?
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Feb 21, 2016 more
No. Please don't ever do that. Running away from home is a very bad idea. You'd be running fromt eh people who love you and want to help you. Trust me, running away isn't the way to solve your problems. You have to turn and fight your demons if you ever want to be happy. It's a hard and long fight. But you can do it.
Profile: NDH
NDH on Mar 20, 2016 more
Don't run away from home unless your personal safety is compromised.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Feb 17, 2016 more
Running away from home wont solve any problems and could cause more. whatever is going home its best to just face it and try and figure a solution
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