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How to tell someone you're depressed without saying it?

Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Feb 15, 2016 more
"I'm feeling low' 'I've been struggling' 'I'm going through a rough time' 'Things just aren't working out' 'Things are spiralling out of control' 'My life is going downhill' 'I just don't feel too great anymore' 'I'm unhappy' 'I'm feeling emotional'
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Profile: braveNight89
braveNight89 on Mar 2, 2016 more
Telling someone you are depressed without saying it? that's a difficult question... I ask myself this everyday when I want to open up to my family. When I want to let them know how alone I feel because they don't understand me. I don't know if they know I am depressed, if they do know and have never said anything to me... well I really wish they would say something. Some days I really think they do know but they choose not to say anything to me because they are scared they don't understand or they can't accept the reality that their daughter is depressed. Telling anyone you are depressed is one of the biggest challenges because you don't want to be seen differently, you simply want someone to be there for you, to understand you, to accept you, so you don't feel so alone.... I know I feel that way all the time. I want someone to see that I am hurting but not to make a big deal out of it. I want you to see that I am trying to get better, I am making an effort, but everyday is a challenge... Some days worse than others. I just want acceptance. Just see that, yes I am depressed but that doesn't mean there is something wrong with me. I am still normal... maybe not at the same level as you, but I am still normal and I am making the best effort to be the best person I can be. I am trying to be happy.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Feb 14, 2016 more
There's no point in doing so. Don't try and give people "hints" about your depression; it wastes your time, and theirs. Depression is a serious illness, and there's no need to beat around the bush about it. Would you ask, "how do I tell someone I have cancer without saying it?" It's absurd. Consider reevaluating why you're unwilling to just tell someone in the first place. What are you hoping to accomplish by the conversation?
Profile: Oliverofsummersgoneby
Oliverofsummersgoneby on Feb 13, 2016 more
I've been feeling lost and confused a lot recently. I haven't been feeling like me, for quite awhile.
Profile: JordanPeraltaa
JordanPeraltaa on Feb 19, 2016 more
I recently got diagnosed with Depression as well as Social Anxiety. It took me nearly a year to build the confidence to finally seek help. Now, how did I manage to tell my GP this without speaking words? I spent some time writing down everything I feel all the time and things I struggle with, not needing to speak made me finally feel a little relieved I was able to finally get help. My suggestion, book an appointment with a GP, (If you haven't been diagnosed) and write down how you are feeling and why etc. If you have been diagnosed and want to tell family members / friends, writing down a note about it can also help and be really effective. Good luck.
Profile: HakunaMatata2k
HakunaMatata2k on Feb 21, 2016 more
Let them know the symptoms you're experiencing. That's probably better than saying your depressed even if it's just in casual convo where you just start to say things like "you know, I really don't enjoy [playing football] like I used to anymore, it really just doesn't make me happy anymore and it doesn't feel fun." and hopefully if you do that the person should pick up on it whilst allowing you to carry on and explain other symptoms
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Feb 14, 2016 more
The best way to "tell someone about your depression is writing notes! It isn't "saying" it, but it gives the person the news about your problem. When you write a note to anyone, it gives more self esteem, so you don't get anxiety from talking to them in person.
Profile: pandapopxx
pandapopxx on Apr 30, 2016 more
With a lot of people they need the straight up, if you use things like self-harm it will go completely the wrong way. it is a case of you saying "I am a bit stressed" or "I don't know what it is, but I don't feel well". This will let them know...
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Feb 13, 2016 more
Help i need to talk about some things that are holding me back when you have time may we talk? then just talk about being sad they will get the hint
Profile: dancingOcean
dancingOcean on Feb 19, 2016 more
I'm having a hard time feeling motivated to do what I'm supposed to be doing, staying in touch with my friends and getting out to do pretty much half of what I normally do. I just want to sit around and block everyone out.
Profile: AnimalOfFood
AnimalOfFood on May 21, 2016 more
Signs of depression is usually numb state, more or less sleep, sadness, and lost of interest in things
Profile: Fenixashes37
Fenixashes37 on Feb 13, 2016 more
Just be honest to them. Give them expression in your face. But hey, life is beautiful. You shouldn't be depressed. Yours friends will get sad too if they can't help you. So give them chances.
Profile: Larelya
Larelya on Feb 15, 2017 more
Art - Music, Paintings, Poems, Sculptures - whatever you're good at. Try to express your feelings through pictures and colours, through moves and ideas.
Profile: AnthonyNW29
AnthonyNW29 on Feb 18, 2016 more
It can be very difficult to tell somebody you are depressed without actually talking to them. They may mistake your attempts as general low mood, bad mood, self-pity or a range of other negative emotions. I personally found talking to people helped, because it have me direction and also gave them an understanding of my condition. Never underestimate the power of conversation!
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 15, 2016 more
One reason why many people STAY feeling depressed is that they DWELL on what has made them unhappy. Thinking and thinking about it KEEPS them depressed. Thus, it's possible to be unhappy and/or depressed for years about something that is actually an old event, or an aspect of life that could be CHANGED. You might well very feel good if someone understood how you feel. It would be nice if someone cared. BUT that probably won't change a thing. The change from depression to happiness MUST ultimately come from within YOU. Some people are very unhappy, even though they have wealth and friends. Some people live in poverty and are sick but feel happy. Amazing but true. To a profound extent, it's not circumstances that make people unhappy or depressed - it's how they FEEL about these things. This perspective can be altered. Maybe you don't REALLY need to talk about it. Maybe you just need to start thinking differently. Perhaps you can simply start to look forwards optimistically, looking forward to there being much more in life that will make you happy.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 18, 2018 more
You don't. You don't need to tell them because the pain is in our eyes every time we look at someone. If can't see it, they don't deserve us
Profile: proudRabbit95
proudRabbit95 on Feb 24, 2016 more
I would say that the best way of telling someone you're depressed is to say it straight out. You can always say that you are feeling a bit down lately, but then again there might be some misunderstandings. If you just say it, they are probably more likely to understand what you are going through.
Profile: CaringJoy
CaringJoy on Feb 17, 2016 more
By staying in bed all day and avoiding the things we used to enjoy. By saying stuff like I'm sad, weak and drained.
Profile: Rosiexx
Rosiexx on Oct 27, 2016 more
You might write them a note/message/email to let them know. Writing may be easier for some than talking(:
Profile: IVBlackward
IVBlackward on Apr 27, 2016 more
i might argue that, as the level of intimacy with the specified person increases so too should their awareness of the non verbal cues of depression such as body language or behaviors that you exhibit and respond with a query about how you feel. barring this fact or the person's utter inability to interpret non verbal behaviors, the following directive seems of importance: unless they themselves are the cause of your depression in your opinion , you should consider informing them at the inception of the conversation that they are not the cause of your depression and continue to reiterate this fact periodically as you explain to them what is going on. if the person is the cause of your depression, you probably should consider a list of talking points such as what exactly they do to depress you and what they need to do to help you. in doing so, the other party is aware of what needs to happen and can decide themselves whether they will participate. or it will be too much for them. prepare for this possibility even if it is remote. i hope this is helpful...
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