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Profile: Roadie
Roadie on Dec 31, 2014 more
I used to find that trying to control negative thoughts by blocking them out in my mind.. fighting them in essence.. was unsuccessful. A small change that I may and that I find works for me is having something outside of my mind that is a trigger for cutting off a negative thought. When a negative thought enters my mind, I click my fingers and recite to myself words to the effect that I am not going to entertain that thought. I then try and think of something positive. Something that makes me smile; some time of being cared; some positive thought to replace it with on an unrelated subject. Works for me anyway and now the negative thoughts are controllable.
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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 31, 2014 more
for every negative thought try to think one positive one. Sometimes we think everything is horrible because we focus only on the bad.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Aug 10, 2015 more
Let's be straight - you can't stop thoughts from entering your mind sometimes. If you deliberately try to supress certain thoughts you can actually make them more likely to surface! (It's known as the ironic process theory) So relax, accept that you can't stop certain thoughts from entering your mind sometimes, but that's not a bad thing! We all have thoughts we don't like, but that's all they are - thoughts. They don't change anything. It's your actions that define you! So instead try spending your time in more productive and positive ways such as by getting exercise or hobbies, being mindful and in the moment.
Profile: MarkoP
MarkoP on Dec 14, 2015 more
Simple, calm down. Take few deep breaths. Realize that is just your mind playing tricks. Accept them. And let them go. You need to learn to accept negative thoughts as a part of you, and learn to let them go.
Profile: WillBC23
WillBC23 on Mar 11, 2015 more
I have found that this takes practice and training, so what I've done is to ever day write down three things for which I'm grateful. That makes me generally more positive, and when something bad happens I'm more likely to see the good that's in with the bad.
Profile: Revill16
Revill16 on Dec 31, 2014 more
The best way to stop negative thoughts from entering your mind is by keeping yourself distracted but also learning to love those parts of you which you may have previously considered flaws. Doing these things have really helped me prevent a lot of negativity entering my life.
Profile: TheFlowerGarden
TheFlowerGarden on Mar 13, 2017 more
Negative thoughts will come and go, you can't stop them. You should embrace them so you may learn from them and be more prepared the next time!
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 10, 2017 more
By not giving them any power over you, thoughts are just thoughts at the end of the day. Watch them pass by and go just the way clouds do.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 31, 2014 more
I don't think it's possible to stop them entering but in order to dull them they must be shared or the person must come to a realization of their unimportance.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jan 2, 2015 more
By diverting your mind into something else in which you think can distract you most and also do things in which you think is fun and can enjoy the most and be happy about it. Think of a good memory that can also lead to positivity thoughts or dream about something you love or like :)
Profile: caprisun1011
caprisun1011 on Jun 17, 2015 more
This is a great question! The best way to stop negative thoughts from entering your mind is to find something that makes you happy! Maybe writing or watching a funny movie, talking to a good friend? There's loads of things that can stop these negative thoughts. Also, I would suggest writing down these thoughts on paper, so that when they do come into your mind, you can release them in a healthy way. And, maybe in order to "get rid" of those negative thoughts, you could burn, tear up, or throw away the paper?
Profile: Smrtbibliophile
Smrtbibliophile on Apr 9, 2015 more
I think it's tricky to stop them from entering, but when they do enter, I ask myself how I'd respond to a friend who had the same thought. It puts things into perspective for me.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Feb 29, 2016 more
Think of happy things, listen to uplifting music, take a walk. Do something that makes YOU happy!!!!
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 3, 2016 more
Try to understand the reality and don't underestimate yourself. Don't think that you can't do anything. You are also special and you've so many talents try to find out your passion and focus on it. Try to fulfill your dream but please don't get over realistic
Profile: Oscarthecat3
Oscarthecat3 on Aug 30, 2016 more
From my experience, the best way to keep negative thoughts from straying into the mind, is to exercise frequently, organise frequent outings with friends, and to have occasional breaks to your daily routine, do something different.
Profile: fasterturtlespls
fasterturtlespls on Jul 12, 2016 more
I'm an over-thinker, to stop the negative thoughts I need take a deep breath, count to three and focus on what I can do in the present moment.
Profile: Laubfrosch
Laubfrosch on Jul 18, 2017 more
I'm not trying to delete my dark thoughts, I accept it that very moment, that they are there. But then I free myself not FROM them, but WITHIN them. I imagine them like a magnet. I am the positive side, the thoughts are the negative side. They always try to cling to me. I imagine that I grab them and pull them off my mind, so they can float away or even get some distance. I also imagine my thoughts like a parrot, brabbling all day. It's not me who is thinking these thoughts, it's the parrot. And I love him. He needs care and caressing. It's called self-care and self-love. By the way: there are no needs to worry about the past or the future: the past has been long gone and can never return, and the future is yet to be build. All things in the future will ever turn out in another way than you thought of it. So thinking about it and worry is not necessary. All is going to happen as it should be. What counts, is now. That very moment you breathe in. You can't breathe in belatedly, nor in advance. You only can breathe in NOW. This very moment. Now. It's good to know that you are on Earth. You are great. Have a nice day and: Breathe :) If you think too much, you might muss all that colorful beauty that surrounds you :) Be well.
Profile: RewindTheClock
RewindTheClock on Nov 27, 2017 more
I like to do what is typically called a self-check in but I call it taking my thoughts to court because I am about to disprove my thoughts by telling them basically the reality of the situation and that i am ok. I acknowledge that they are there but I put them in the corner of my mind and forget about them and distract myself.
Profile: wildghostmemories
wildghostmemories on Oct 9, 2018 more
You don't have to stop them, sometimes they just happen and as scary as they are they're just thoughts. Once they're there they just can't be the only type of though inside, reach out to someone in real life, on 7cups, or on a crisis line to talk about the negativity. Another thing you can do is try to do something kind for yourself and not punish yourself for how you are thinking. Your thoughts are a part of you but they don't define who you are as a person. You are more than these difficult thoughts in your mind.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 23, 2015 more
What I did and still do is doing things that I enjoy, e.g.: reading encouragement quotes, talking to my best friends, watching movies, etc
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