How do you know when it's gotten to the time where you need to reach out to people?
33 Answers
Last Updated: 06/14/2021 at 9:55am
Moderated by
Stacy Overton, PhD.
I am an enthusiastic life-long learner and also a professor of counseling. I have a passion for peoples stories and helping to guide and empower the human spirit.
Top Rated Answers
Usually a good rule of thumb for this is when you start thinking about asking people for help, it;s probably a good idea to reach out for help.
April 29th, 2015 3:08am
Only you know when it's time for you to seek help. If you feel all alone in your situation and you wish that there was someone to support you and help you through that's when you should think about reaching out to close friends and family members, one's that you think will be supportive and want to help rather than those you think might think you're "overreacting" and turn you away.
May 9th, 2015 11:41pm
There's never, ever a wrong time to reach out to people. If you're hurting or struggling you deserve help, care, and compassion from the people around you and should feel free to ask for it.
Reaching out to someone is a positive first step. There is no set time to reach out to others it is all a matter of personal feelings. If you feel like you need to talk to someone then its time for you to reach out. Talking to others is helpful but it is most effective when you chose to reach out yourself as opposed to being forced to reach out.
February 25th, 2015 10:27pm
When you have suicidal thoughts and see your life as worthless. Or when you isolate yourself from the world.
If you've gotten to the point where you're thinking about reaching out to people, it's probably time to do so. Don't be frightened--people care and want to help.
May 24th, 2015 11:26pm
You know it's time to reach out to people when you are uncomfortable "going it alone." Also, you know it's time to reach out to people when they've reached out to you first!
From my experience with grief which applies to anxiety and all sorts of other psychological and emotional stressors, the time to reach out for help is when a negative thought passes through your mind or when the idea of reaching out to other people passes through your mind. If your mind tells you "I need help", but you don't really feel like you need help...chances are, it would be good to pick up the phone and call a friend. Hearing someone else's voice and knowing you are supported can do a great deal in any situation. You know you are not alone and then you can decide for yourself if that was the right time for you to reach out or if you should wait longer or call sooner next time. A metaphor might be that you cut your toe and you aren't sure if you should reach out for help. It kind of seems stupid to you that you cut your toe and you're embarrassed, plus it's not that bad so you probably don't even need a bandaid. What if that cut gets infected? If you had reached out immediately, you would have been safer rather than sorry and kept yourself physically healthy. You have to do the same thing mentally: be safer rather than sorry, reach out immediately. It is okay even if it feels like you're worried about something "dumb" because chances isn't dumb.
The best time to reach out to people is when you have a feeling that your life would be better with some support.
August 2nd, 2016 10:39am
When you start to feel like there's no way out, when you start to think about hurting yourself or others. If you want to get better, or if you need someone to talk to. There will always be somebody there
It's time to reach out to people when I feel that the individual does not practise self - love. The individual is affected by negative comments made by people from his surrounding and that has made him or her blame himself or herself that they don't deserved to be loved or that they are someone who continues to make mistakes. Also, when I feel that the individual has stopped thinking positively. Because all the negative comments has made him or her question their own self that give rise to self doubt and they believe that they are no good by been around to others and they drown in their overthinking and the negative judgements from other people.
August 2nd, 2016 6:58pm
When I feel like I can't take it anymore on my own. When I feel really sad and when I just can't be alone.
When you start to feel worthless and or feel constant sadness. When you are no longer motivated to do things that once caused to great happiness. Feelings of deep anxiety and or regret begin to encompass your entire thought process.
When you start feeling out of control and scared about your future, you need to open up to others. It helps.
Returning the favor of someone being able to help me is an honor. I am thankful to now be able to help others.
That is up to you. And sometimes it can be when you feel stressed or just have a lot going on. It can also be just whenever you wanna talk to someone. The worst thing to do is hide everything (and or) bawl it up inside. Just let it out, its ok.
September 12th, 2017 1:44pm
Oftentimes, we may feel as though our problems, struggles and the issues we are dealing with are not bad enough for us to seek the help other people. Especially if we have people around us that tell us to "suck it up" and to just "deal with it". We may feel uncomfortable, embarrassed, guilty or even self-indulgent to communicate these feelings to others. However, it is important to note that your thoughts and emotions DO MATTER, and are valid. Therefore, if you are distressed or negatively affected by a condition in any way, reaching out to others can provide you will the guidance, support and help you may need to become the best you you can be.
April 23rd, 2018 4:21am
You can tell when you reached to a point to where you need to reach out to others by feeling you can’t take it anymore, feeling tired thinking about it all night or it affects your daily routines.
For everyone, the moment to reach out varies but it is generally around the time you can't function by yourself.
If you are questioning whether you need to talk to someone it sounds like now is a great time to reach out for support. It's brave of you to consider taking this step. Ask yourself what is causing you to question whether or not it's time to talk to someone and write down your thoughts. There are tons of resources available out there that can help you decide if you would benefit more from a support group, speaking with a listener at 7 Cups or if you need professional help from a trained therapist. We are here for you if you want to talk it out with us.
I know it is time when I begin to feel tightness in my chest, my shoulders pull forward and my breath gets more shallow. When my body physically shows the stress, even if I'm not consciously aware of it, that means something is up and I should pay attention. Another sign is when something that is normally within my window of tolerance, agitates me to an unusual degree then it means I should seek out something simple to bring some joy back to my life, or I should reach out to someone I know to help me feel better.
July 12th, 2016 5:49am
When you begin to feel alone and like you have nobody to turn to. If you feel depressed and find no joy in doing things.
June 14th, 2016 3:05pm
You just know it. There is nothing wrong it seeking help. It will help you overcome your problems and make you a better and happier person.
Constant feeling of down in the dumps. (Daily) Stressing out over small issues. Distancing yourself from people - friends or family etc. Emotions distracting you from learning.
others include: self harm, suicidal thoughts, paranoia etc.
By the time you ask yourself whether or not you should reach out to someone, you probably already should.
Everytime you feel something is wrong with you. If you are asking this question, maybe is time to reach out for people
It is never too soon to reach out for help. There is no weakness in needing support. We are social creatures and we learn and heal in relationship. Why make it any harder on yourself. Find someone who is an expert in your area of need and see if they are available to offer their support. it takes courage to ask for help. be courageous.
Usually it involves me getting extremely overwhelmed where i'm unable to work through problems myself
In all fairness, there's never a wrong time to reach out for help. As soon as you start thinking "I think I should talk to someone" or "I think I need help" or anything along those lines, it's a good idea to get help. It not only keeps you grounded, but also helps you get a new perspective which can help you improve. None of what you feel is insignificant, so please do reach out. A problem shared is a problem halved.
When you are feeling heavily suicidal or when you want to harm others. Preferably before it gets to this point because often it is too deep and too difficult to pull oneself out
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Reviewed Dec 29, 2024
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