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How do I know if I'm sad or depressed?

341 Answers
Last Updated: 02/25/2023 at 7:32am
How do I know if I'm sad or depressed?
★ This question about Depression was starred by a moderator on 5/12/2016.
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Stacy Overton, PhD.


I am an enthusiastic life-long learner and also a professor of counseling. I have a passion for peoples stories and helping to guide and empower the human spirit.

Top Rated Answers
September 20th, 2016 11:49pm
The best way is to keep a log of your thoughts and emotions throughout the day and then consult a physician and discuss what you have written down with them.
February 1st, 2017 8:24am
Depresion afects every aspect of your life. You are not sad or worried about something in specific but about all at the same time. You don't like yourself, your feelings, your life choices. You might think that nobody valuates you or even that they would be happier without you. It is a mental disease that needs to be treated with suport of others as it isolates you from other people.
April 16th, 2017 11:42am
for me depression is feeling lonely even though there are people to give you suggestion but you end up doing what you want, and then regret. feeling suicidal wishing no more mornings feeling like crying to the topmost.
September 11th, 2017 1:37pm
If you feel withdrawn from close friends and family and if you do not enjoy your favorite activities you may be depressed. Also a lack of I retest in eating or caring for yourself may also be a sign of depression.
September 3rd, 2018 7:30pm
You feel worthless and hopeless like evrything around you is awful. You may feel sometimes lost like a dark cloud or fog is with you. Sometimes confused . You may have lack of energy and interest. you may even experience low motivation. Sleeping to much or less sleeping. Crying alot and wanting to be alone. You may feel alone and scared and feels noone understands. You are not even sure why you are feeling this way and sometimes may even get angry and frustrated with yourself and others. usually it goes on and on and it won't go away. you have a hard time enjoying things you use to do and may even loose interest in things that mean the most to you.
October 4th, 2019 7:20am
You've probably searched up the symptoms of depression and checked yourself against them, thinking is this really depression. Honestly, it's hard to tell which is why you should see a doctor or therapist. Sadness is a normal emotion that people feel because of a situation. Depression, on the other hand, can occur without a reason and include many different emotions. Not only do you lose your worth, hope, energy, appetite, happiness, but you also lose yourself. You don't like anything anymore, including your old hobbies, life and even yourself. You don't recognise yourself anymore and your reactions aren't based on your emotions, they're based on your situations and how others would normally act in them. Nothing is constant anymore and everything is questionable. Questioning whether the smiles and laughs were fake or not. Questioning all these feelings that don't make sense. Questing the point of life. Amongst this confusion, sometimes you feel constant sadness and sometimes you can't feel anything at all. Depression is terrible, so if you suspect you have depression please tell someone and seek help.
May 4th, 2020 4:37pm
I believe that you will have a better understanding of your mood when you are stable. Probably you will not be so forfilled and will show less of a response to the relationships around you if you are depressed. You may also feel empty, confused, and detached from the circle of acquaintances you usually are close with. It would be helpful to ask yourself, what is one thing I can look at in my life that makes me unhappy? If you get an idea, try writing down three main emotions that you feel when this topic comes up. This should give you a better understanding of your situation at the time.
November 11th, 2020 2:33pm
I feel really lonely and sad I mostly just want to stay in my room and never get out of bed. Sometimes I just feel like crying without a reason. I don't have much friends and with my only friend I don't spend much time. One time I started crying because I got really scared of the ball in sport or when I have to talk with my parents I feel like my heart is gonna explode that also happens when I have to present something in front of my class or when I have an exam. Sometimes when I worry about something to much I can't fall asleep
November 19th, 2020 9:56pm
Being sad is just for a short period of time, but depression is for a long time and feeling like everything around you is not how it used to be. However, if you are facing a depression, then feel free to contact me, I can help you, I'd been thru it, and I know how tough it can be. My depression was a real burden for me at the time, because it was the period of my life which is one of the important in a student's life, going to uni on first course in another country, but I got thru it
February 19th, 2022 3:19am
Based on my experience, depression can make you feel like there's a hole in your heart and you're empty inside. You have no motivation, maybe even to do something as simple as getting out of bed in the morning. You might hate yourself and feel that you are worthless, a burden to the people who surround you, and like there's no meaning to life anymore. Sometimes I had suicidal thoughts when I was at my lowest point and truly felt that I didn't have anything left for me. Feeling said will usually just come and go, but depression can persist for long periods of time.
February 25th, 2023 7:32am
Depression feels very different from sadness. Every person witnesses and sees sadness in their life. Depression is a mood disorder, which can be diagnosed. Some describe it as a feeling like you are worthless. It is on a much higher scale than sadness and can do much more damage. If you do ever feel like you are worthless or this life just isn't for you, please talk to a friend, parent, doctor, or a listener on this site. It will help, a lot. Even if you feel in the beginning, that you are all alone in this situation, there is always someone who can relate to you.