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Imagine a life where you're able to embrace your true self in all areas. Together, my hope is to unlock your potential towards building more self-awareness and authenticity.
Top Rated Answers
August 28th, 2015 1:16am
Easiest answer ever............................... Become a volunteer listener for 7 Cups of Tea! =)
September 3rd, 2015 2:54am
You can try reading this article. Hope it helps!
Community service especially online is in a broad range and can be done in various forms. For example helping people in their challenging and difficult time as a volunteer listener through a beneficial and genuine website is also one of the way of community service . Besides that, spreading awareness through social media on behalf of causes that matters such as health care cost, the quality of education or low income group concerns in the community, helps to create an awareness in the social media. Getting involved in a website that helps people with anxiety and depression by helping the in any possible way as a volunteer also helps to create a positive impact in the community service.
You may do so by helping others such as going to or any other related sites like this, this is a great way to help people emotionally, and this is a form of community service online.
If you're talking about court-ordered community service, I'm not sure that online is an option. If it's court-ordered, usually the court will have a list of approved placements and paperwork you'll need. Volunteering online is much easier. There are websites like that can help you locate volunteer opportunities both online and in your local area. One of the best ways is to make a list of the skills you have and then try to locate volunteer opportunities based on those skills you possess. For example, website creation and management, fund raising, or recruiting.
You can help by going on Twitter and randomly complimenting people; it's making their day. Or you can do a bit more and start an account directly for that, and helping people or just being there for them. Little things make a huge difference.
August 21st, 2015 11:59pm
Online classes could be an option. I've also heard of this website called Chloe & Isabel. It's a website where you can become a merchandiser and sell jewelry from their collections.
7 Cups Of Tea is actually a really good way to do community service online! If you become an Active Listener, you can provide support for people from many different places and seriously help them. It's a beneficial experience that I have learned a lot from, and I'm pretty sure you can use it on a resume too if that's why you wanted to do community service. Good luck!
November 20th, 2015 4:25pm
Become a part of one of the many webgroups that offer community service. Such as becoming a listener on 7cups and being part of the team!
Even simple listening, and being there will count as community service. You just have to be patient and then want to sincerely help others in need, not to judge, and be unhelpful to others. :D
August 21st, 2015 4:03am
If you check your local community website, they sometimes post opportunities for you to reach out to
emailing /chatting with people who needs help.if you just say hi it can make anyones' day better.
I'm not sure but here's a site that may help you : Hopefully you can figure out the answer to your question, good luck!
I'm sure there are several projects for community service online. I'm just not sure what any of them are.
October 28th, 2015 10:43am
By helping those who are doing grassroots work i.e. NGOs. You can look into virtual volunteering and donate your existing skills and networks to NGOs to solve their varied challenges.
I can be a good listener and try my best to help people out with their issues in a way which they feel comfortable.
November 10th, 2015 3:15am
health care costs, the quality of education, advocate on behalf of causes that matter. community ser
If you are referring to community service for a criminal act, you would most likely need to speak to an attorney or contact the court to arrange this. However, I am sad to say if this is the community service you are seeking, you probably will not be able to do it online as the court typically assigns physical labor or doing miniscule chores for the city or local businesses/schools.
November 7th, 2015 6:49pm
You could join us at 7cupsoftea as an active listener and help people online by providing them with support.
Google it. There are alot of different organizations that can use help. Depending if you want to do it for the goodness of your heart versus court ordered etc. If required they might have rules you need to check on first
November 6th, 2015 1:19pm
Well while I don't consider this to be community service I'm sure it can qualify. I suppose just being a good person online to other people offline can qualify as a service to the community considering how toxic the online community has become
Join online sites that provides community services which you can participate in. E.g 7Cups of tea is one of them.
I talk people through their issues and make sure they are in a positive state of mind so they can have a great day! (:
November 5th, 2015 5:41am
By listening to people or signing petitions for good causes. There's always something that needs your help!
Being a listener on here is one example, as well as working for online crisis centers. You can also help caption videos to help with accessibility. I'm not sure of any other ways but I'd check google.
The amount of online volunteer opportunities are increasing daily and there seems to be a platform for everyone to help those in need. 7 Cups is one of those websites that lends a helping hand to lonely people and harnesses the compassion and empathy of its listeners to make a difference.
October 29th, 2015 1:27pm
There are many sites to do community service online such as:,, etc...
you can do community service online in many different ways. first you can first identify your strength meaning something that you are good at and use to help and you can look up sites that offer those services and become a member and start offering your service you will be surprise to see the amount of life you impact and change
Treating others well, not discriminating, for example here on 7 cups of tea can help people who have problems and you can even get to save lives, but the important thing is respect for others, doing small acts of humanity as give words of encouragement to someone who needs them, helping them solve a problem, adding to good causes as being against bullyng or breast cancer, not discriminate against anyone because of their sexual orientation, skin color etc. I think we all are acts of humanism that if we were making were living in a better world
October 28th, 2015 10:49am
I think helping people online is a good form of community service because not everyone with depression or anxiety or any other form of troubles may be able to reach out to professional councilors but since everyone has Internet, being able to cheer someone up or making them see happiness is a good way to serve the community online. I will use my social networking abilities to help people out of their problems in the best way possible.
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