Moderated by
Sarah Robb, LISW-S (Licensed Independent Social Worker, Supervisor Designation) and LICDC (Licenced Chemical Dependency Counselor)
Clinical Social Work/Therapist
Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations. Life poses many challenges. Learning to face, cope with, and resolve these challenges can increase our resilience.
Top Rated Answers
As someone who was bullied as a child( as most of us are) I have come to learn that yes it is so important to share what you are going through and to have the chance to talk and to process. It's important to recognize and explore how it makes you feel but it is also important to have a chance to talk about the fact that the person or people who are bullying you are going through their own things as well and that bullying you is a reflection of their own struggles with life. It's important for us all to have compassion for ourselves and for those who cause us harm in life. We are all of us trying to find our way in this world and it is seldom easy and we all do things that we feel bad for or regret but the best thing that we can do is to learn from each and every experience that we have and to grow into the good people that we want to be.
Being bullied really sucks, but living with it and not telling anyone can be suck even more. Tell someone you really trust, bullying needs to stop and talking about it can help.
First off, I am sorry you're being bullied at work. Have you tried to talking to HR about the abusive people in your work setting? How do you feel about going to the boss?
December 11th, 2014 2:13am
YES! You need to tell someone. It's never going to stop or change unless someone knows about it. No one is going to know about it unless you say something. I know it's difficult and it's okay to be afraid, but telling someone is the best thing that you can do.
The nature of the bullying will likely have an effect on how you deal with it. Have you tried speaking to your bully/bullies to give them a chance to change their behaviour. Have you spoken to your supervisor or human resources about what's going on? It's a good idea to keep records or exactly what has happened and when it happened and who was involved, that way you have evidence/examples of the bullying behaviour when you speak out. Iknow the thought of speaking out can be scary, but things are unlikely to change unless you do. Another option would be to look for another job, but frankly you shouldn't have to be forced out by bullies. Your employer has a legal responsibility to ensure a healthy working environment so they have a responsibility to address any bullying within the workplace.
Regardless of how you might feel or any threats you've been told, you need to report any harassment to your HR department if you have one, or directly to your boss. Be firm and respectful to your boss and let them know this is really effecting you. Do not be afraid of the bullies, stand up for yourself.
June 2nd, 2016 11:20pm
You can speak to a specialist to help you conquer your fears/ assumptions. You can also speak to a friend/ colleague at work to see if they can see the same problems as you, if so you can speak to your boss about work place discrimination.
January 4th, 2015 2:26am
It may seem like a very cliche answer, but yes tell a trusted adult, family member, or even a close, trusted friend. You need to tell someone who can help you, because bullying is a very serious thing. It may not seem like the best thing but in the end, hopefully you have received the support and help you need.
July 21st, 2016 2:29am
Tell your manager, maybe they can set down consequences. Or can suggest ways to make this better. Get some outside input
Tell someone you trust, like a boss, if you trust them, and then it's likely that you're going to find a way to deal with it.
June 2nd, 2016 11:19pm
Bullying is never acceptable, whether it is at work, at school, or anywhere else. Period.
Talk to someone about what is happening; your manager, your boss, or even corporate office. Quite often companies have an anonymous number you can call and speak to someone who is impartial to the company (meaning the number you call is an anonymous line staff by people who so not work for the company) and you can voice your concerns there.
A more direct way of handling the situation is to speak directly with your manager or boss and inform them on what is happening.
June 16th, 2016 2:46am
Contact management and fully disclose your experience with bullying and those involved. Ask to speak to your manager or supervisor privately about an important issue. Be honest. You do not deserve to be bullied and should not have to go through this. Work should be an enjoyable safe space. Immediately talk to management and avoid communicating with those who are bullying you.
If you're being bullied at work, you should go to your boss and tell him or her what is going on, and they should address the issue to the bully.
Tell your supervisor, if it gets out of hand then you do need to tell someone, its the right things to do.
expose the bully, stand up for yourself, do not get influenced by it - take it as an obstacle to make yourself stronger.
The first thing you must do is stand for yourself , because if you wont , no one else would. You must try to be more confident , be bold and say no to bullies. If they still don't stop try consulting a highre rank officer or ask for a cop's help .
Tell your supervisor or boss. That shouldn't be allowed in any case, and it needs to be sorted out.
I was bullied at school, too. I was arguing with them all and trying to prove than I am not worth being bullied but this was a huge mistake. You just ignore them, then they'll get bored and go away.
June 11th, 2016 7:02am
If you're being bullied at work, please speak up for yourself. If you allow somebody to belittle ,they will belittle you. You can also consult the person who you feel is antagonising you. Give them a chance to explain themselves, try and crack a joke with them. If they're till antagonising you go to your line manager.
June 11th, 2016 3:21am
you are being bullied at work. Go to an official about this and do not be scared of what might come up
Bullying in the workplace is a very serious matter. You should speak to someone who is in charge of the employees - the human resources department, or even your boss.
Be assertive and tell the person to stop or you'll be Reporting the bullying. If it's your boss report it to someone higher.
Keep detailed notes of all experiences and try to find someone you can trust to talk to you so you don't feel so alone. Report it to HR, but make sure you have your detailed notes to back up your claims.
Try not to do the same mistake and to remain as objective as possible. Then it will depend a lot of the situation itself, regarding what else can you do. But this is the basic behaviour I guess.
Report them! being bullied is absolutely horrible! If reporting them does nothing, stick up for yourself! Just be careful because people can be crazy!
June 8th, 2016 3:13pm
you should report it to your boss or sometimes feelow co workers will help you too just stay strong.
Confront the bully about the situation. The bully gets pleasure and satisfaction from you. In addition, the bully knows that you aren't going to do anything about it, therefore, making yourself an easy target. Best way is through confrontation to show the bully that you aren't afraid to stand up for yourself.
June 10th, 2016 1:31am
You should tell an adult there or your manager or anyone you think will be able to help stop the bully. 💜
You should talk to your supervisor and try to work out something that would make your work environment more comfortable.
June 10th, 2016 3:27am
Confront the person and tell them how you feel. Also, do let your boss know about the issue. Don't be afraid to let your words out.
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