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Everyone in school thinks I am bitter. How can I change their minds?

Profile: jovialMermaid84
jovialMermaid84 on Jul 17, 2016 more
To change their minds, you would need to change your mind, the way you interact with them. People will believe what you show them. It would be helpful to contemplate why they feel this way. Allow yourself to truly look inward about this so you can assess what needs to be changed about how the interaction may create this belief for them. Once you're aware, it is easier to make adjustments. Be the version of yourself that you want your peers to see.
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Profile: DreamAvis
DreamAvis on Aug 11, 2016 more
Usually bitterness stems from reclusiveness.. If people feel excluded by you, they make up an image of your attide for themselves. I know it can be hard, but try opening up to people.. When they introduce you to their friends be friendly.. Surely this notion of their a will go away once they get to know you.
Profile: WonderLostSoul
WonderLostSoul on Jul 14, 2016 more
Get yourself out there, but still be yourself! Make tons of friends and you'll be just fine. :) :) :)
Profile: HajiCho
HajiCho on Jul 14, 2016 more
Find out why they think that and find a way to compromise with them. :) Compromise is everything and it helps everyone find common ground
Profile: mmmmegan
mmmmegan on Jul 16, 2016 more
Try to think about why you come off as bitter to people, maybe it's the way you talk or do things. You can try to change that and appear as more perky and less bitter, but I also think that if you are okay with who you are, why should it matter what they think of you?
Profile: Junghwa
Junghwa on Jul 28, 2016 more
Alot of people who just met me think I'm bitter and boring, even my current friends had this image of me when I first met them. Usually I don't try to change their minds. All I'm doing is be myself and eventually the people who want to hang out with me will find out I'm not the guy they think I am.
Profile: patientJoy11
patientJoy11 on Sep 11, 2016 more
Prove them wrong. Impressions can be so wrong and completely opposite of who you really are. Bring cookies for people at lunch or give out compliments
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Apr 15, 2018 more
Start off small, if you aren't outgoing you could just say a simple hello to a few people, if you mostly have a neutral or frowning face, try and smile to someone you enjoy the company of once in a while. A few kind words here and there and a positive attitude can go a long way as well!
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 13, 2018 more
Maybe they think that you are bitter because its what they are seeing from you or from your aura. Try proving them wrong that what they see from you is a bitter person. Be optimistic or happy. Don't spread negativity to people.
Profile: MeganP
MeganP on Jun 2, 2018 more
Don't let other peoples' perceptions of you become a cause for you to change yourself. Let you just be you!The people who want to know you and be in your life will see you for who you truly are and not the 'bitter person' you say everybody thinks you are.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 21, 2019 more
Possibly there are options to emphasize your non-bitterness -- but ultimately, the opinion of one person, multiple people, or 'everyone', regardless of their relation to you, does not necessarily define you. It's hard when people are putting labels on us that just aren't true, naturally we want to defend ourselves, but in the end, we cannot control what other people think. Your opinion of yourself is really what's important -- and you don't think you're bitter, which is awesome. You know your truth and sometimes that has to be satisfying enough. It can be exhausting trying to change other people's opinions; it's like inadvertently living for other people. It also seems improbable that 100% of the school really thinks this way; surely there are people who have neutral opinions, or some in the school who don't know you yet to form an opinion, and maybe some who have good opinions of you! Who knows for sure? People will come and go, but you will be with yourself forever. Hope you find some peace. Be well and good luck!
Profile: Rivelino3
Rivelino3 on Jan 26, 2020 more
It depends on who they think you are and why they do so. If they think you are bitter when you even aren't doing things that make you seem bitter in general, then maybe you cant change their minds even if you tried to change yourself into someone else. It could be possible, but the only way to change their mind would be to be a person whom they think isn't bitter, and for that you would need to know what makes someone bitter for them by asking them. Personally, it comes down to being who I am and being okay with it, which can be difficult if I was thought to be someone not good, which isn't easy and understandably so. But maybe with time, certain circumstances or factors can make it easy to be ourselves and to accept that we are who we are doing our best, even if most disagree with us or cant see whom we truly are. I hope you can find a way out and have peace, I am sorry if this is giving you a hard time
Profile: SliceofHopeJ
SliceofHopeJ on Jun 17, 2017 more
You can never please everyone in life, you don't owe them anything so why should you prove anything to them? Being yourself is better than being someone you are not. Doesn't matter what they think of you, you live your life not them. Never let others write the story of your life.
Profile: YourNewListener
YourNewListener on Jul 5, 2017 more
do not try to be different, you have seen those people who seem fake dont be like that it will make you look more bitter, personnaly just be yourself if you are not bitter people will notice if you are bitter, try to be happier, dont try to change there minds just show them a different side of you if needed.
Profile: Weed
Weed on Jul 16, 2017 more
Smile. Be cheerful and energetic. When something bothers you, cover it with kindness and forgive it. Keep smiling and be mindful of your words and actions. Give people genuine but specific compliments on their qualities you like. Greet everyone. Stay Happy, and make other people happy by granting them small favors. Good Luck!
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Aug 3, 2017 more
Try doing a little good deed everyday, like helping someone pick up their textbooks if they've dropped them. This action, no matter how small, will influence the person you helped, and maybe any bystanders that were near you. Next time that person sees you, they will look at you like the person you helped them pick up their textbooks or the person that gave them a rosin to rosin their bow in Orchestra, that really changes the person. Eventually a lot of people will see you like that, and changes their attitude towards you.
Profile: sashalembowitz
sashalembowitz on Aug 10, 2017 more
Maybe relax a little for even a few minutes and try to ask a few people why they think you're bitter. School kids/teens especially, cling on to one little thing and sometimes blow it out of proportion and it sticks with everyone. If someone tells you why they think you're bitter, don't take it personally if it's only a minor thing, and laugh it off, prompting them to relax around you too and think that you aren't so bitter afterall.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Aug 11, 2017 more
Ask the people what am I saying that is making them think I am bitter. How can I be more aware of what I am saying, feeling or thinking?
Profile: VanessaGraceStory
VanessaGraceStory on Aug 18, 2017 more
You can't change everyone, some people you can and others can be unwavered. So i guess that;s up to you. If people think you are and you think you aren't then do what you feel is best.
Profile: ariea00
ariea00 on Sep 2, 2017 more
They say action speaks louder than words. If they think you're bitter, then do something that makes them think otherwise! It may not work quickly, but when time passes by, they'll surely notice how you're so different from what they think.
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