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What can I talk about with my boyfriend on the phone?

Profile: JorJor20
JorJor20 on Dec 3, 2015 more
I completely understand being apprehensive about talking on the phone with someone. It's a lot of pressure! When I had a boyfriend, my favorite thing to talk about was asking him deep questions. Some times you have more courage over the phone to ask the burning questions you have.
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Profile: glassjaw
glassjaw on Sep 6, 2015 more
You can speak about how your days went and even make future plans. Another idea is asking him questions so you can get to him even more if the relationship is still new
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Aug 21, 2015 more
ask him how was his day? about his work? ask him about his health , tell him that you were thinking about him(that will make him smile). ask him if he had food? and main thing.....ask him if he is free.DO NOT DISTRUB him wen in work or up busy with things
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 20, 2015 more
anything but not about family, your personal life, your status, where are you and the most important is ...if he ask you weather you are alone or not just ignore it
Profile: organticMango15
organticMango15 on Oct 23, 2015 more
If your relationship is fairly new, ask him things about himself. If not, then just ask about his day, what he did etc. it can be literally anything. I think in a relationship all your partner wants to do is hear your voice and speak to you, it doesn't matter what about. Tell him about a film you watched recently, tell him about something new you learned recently - anything! Of course, he needs to make some effort, too. It's hard to keep a conversation going when the effort is only one-sided.
Profile: Maxen
Maxen on Dec 4, 2015 more
If you don't have anything to talk about you don't have to call them up. A relationship doesn't constitute constant calling unless you both feel like doing it.
Profile: lovely62
lovely62 on Sep 12, 2015 more
I usually talk to him about things that are personal that way we are more open and comfortable with each other
Profile: ScorpioDolly
ScorpioDolly on Oct 30, 2015 more
How your day went? When you want to hang out next, just joke with eachother and relax. Tell eachother little stories. It shouldn't be awkward, make it fun!
Profile: LittleMusicBox
LittleMusicBox on Aug 22, 2015 more
I've found that having a regular conversation that you would have with your partner in the living room or at a restaurant works fine. Talk about how the day went, new exciting things that happened to you, trips you could take together.. What's for dinner! You can also talk intimately with your partner on the phone. This could be romantic things (sweet nothings, as they say) or something totally different like reading the same book over the phone, which is especially good if your partner is away for a while. Don't forget to skype/FaceTime/video chat with your sweetie, too. Having the face to face contact in addition to the conversation can make it seem like you guys are right in the room together. Plus, with video chat, you have the added bonus of showing as well as telling! Finally, I'd say relax and don't worry about what to talk about. The conversation will flow and take on different tones and topics. Be okay with those awkward pauses, they're normal! Use them as a moment to regroup or think up something else to say that will engage your partner. Good luck!
Profile: Makarios
Makarios on Nov 21, 2015 more
Gooday Do either of you have preferences on what to talk about on the phone?.. maybe you do have an open and honest conversation about phone conversation topics and preferences with your boy friend.
Profile: Youarebeautiful77
Youarebeautiful77 on Aug 22, 2015 more
Guys just love giving advice to people. They always think they have the answers to everything. If you want to bond better with your new boyfriend, ask him for some help, be it about your work life or an issue that’s more personal. He’ll appreciate you a lot more because he’ll feel more dependable and better about himself.
Profile: PoliteOcean
PoliteOcean on Sep 4, 2015 more
You can talk on the phone with your boyfriend about whatever interests the two of you. You don't always need to have something planned out to talk about. If you are in a relationship it should just feel natural. It shouldn't feel "forced". Talk about your day, your families, or whatever your interests are. Sometimes silence is ok too.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Aug 19, 2015 more
anything you'd like! He's your boyfriend and is there for you to support you and to listen to you. If you truly love and trust him, you should be able to be open with him :)
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Aug 19, 2015 more
You can tell him about your day, you can just tell him what you feel. You can also ask how is he doing
Profile: BouncyTree16
BouncyTree16 on Aug 23, 2015 more
Try to ask what he is doing, then if he says nothing, turn 'nothing' into a conversation, like telling him what YOU'RE doing.
Profile: sweetlinda22
sweetlinda22 on Nov 11, 2015 more
the best and worst part of your day, your plans for the next day, what you are doing at the moment or what you'd rather be doing, a random thought in your mind, how you are feeling about a situation. you can ask him questions too, make suggestions for example to hang out, inquire stuff maybe about how his family is doing, reaffirm plans you both have...just be random and let the conversation flow, don't think too much of it otherwise your conversation will sound revised. :)
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 28, 2015 more
it depends relationship's time. But you can always talk about normal things. I mean about cinema, music, foods and games :)
Profile: ClaraJaneM
ClaraJaneM on Aug 20, 2015 more
If you feel as though you can trust him, I'd say anything that has you feeling happy, sad, angry, worried. Anything at all! Although, always keep in mind that you should never go out aide of your comfort zone whilst speaking about anything; you should always feel safe disclosing the information that you give.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Aug 20, 2015 more
You can talk to your boyfriend about how your days was and specific moments about when you missed them.
Profile: RyleeOk21
RyleeOk21 on Sep 4, 2015 more
Talk about your favorite movies and why you liked them, it will spark a conversation and you will end up knowing even more about the person!
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