My ex wants me back but he doesn't text me what should i do?
3 Answers
Last Updated: 09/10/2018 at 10:08pm
Moderated by
Brenda King, PsyD
I treat life changes, women’s issues, and issues of aging using evidence-based treatments with healthy doses of warmth, empathy and humor to enhance healing and growth.
Top Rated Answers
It won't be fair to answer depending on this very short sentence about your situation. What made you feel that he wanted you back? What could be the cause of him not texting you? Is texting him first a valid option? and how do you feel about it? and finally I believe the most important question you may ask to yourself is if YOU want him back . I believe you will be able to do the right thing
Whatever you feel is best. We're all responsible for our actions, they can either be a positive or negative affect. One thing though, people who care for you will show the effort whenever they can. Everyone is different though.
If you don't want to be back with your ex because things won't change or you just don't think it will be good, then you have every right to say no you don't want to. There's always a reason why people break up. I know that you might start thinking that you miss them and that you want to be happy with someone, but you have your whole life to do so. You can take care of yourself and make sure you're ready to be in a better relationship with someone else. I hope you the best, you deserve happiness as well.
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