I cheated, should I break up with my partner?
Nov 2, 2014
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I understand what you are going through. I have been in your place once. Tell me more about what happened.
Feb 10, 2016
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I think that would depend on the reason for cheating.. If you just think it was a moment of weakness, drunk at a party etc. you know what I mean, something of that nature.. i would say no.. but if the infidelity is causing you a lot of grief and stress possibly. I think when people cheat there is usually something that caused it. not enough affection from your partner, feeling neglected things of that nature. so if you had, lets say a moment of weakness:).. I would say no.. If you are truly unhappy in the relationship in general. then yes.. only you really know what happened, and why.. just take your time and think it over. dont rush into a decision.. I have been in the same situation..
Oct 27, 2014
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I think before you ask yourself if you should break up with your partner, you should try asking yourself some other questions first. Do you think you would ever cheat again? Why is it that you cheated in the first place? Will you have a discussion with your partner about what you did? How would you react if you found out your partner cheated on you? There are so many questions that should be asked, but always remember, communication is one of the key aspects of a relationship. Before thinking about breaking it off, ask your partner what he/she thinks of all of this as well.
Apr 29, 2015
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Do you know why you cheated? Do you have stronger feelings for your affair partner or the other person in your relationship? It'll take a lot of soul searching to figure out which is the best choice for you.
Oct 31, 2014
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Yes. Cheating is never ever okay. If you find yourself developing an inclination towards another person, first break up with your current partner, then go about your business. Don't do it WHILE still in a relationship.
Jun 28, 2015
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I'm in a 8yr relationship and she has cheated on me I try to forget and forgive but I just ended up doing the same thing she did to me now I'm moving forward because no matter how hard you try that thought will always be in your mind best to let go and move on
Mar 27, 2015
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A relationship takes two people in order to make it work and communication between those two people is a necessity. I think it might be helpful to do a little soul searching and try to figure out why you felt compelled to seek the attention of someone other than your partner. Is there a flaw in your relationship or is it possibly a deep seeded issue within yourself? Take time to reflect and figure out some things about your situation. Another good question to ask yourself is: What do you want? Is your current relationship giving you the tools to help make you happy or are you simply in it for the other person? After you've answered some of these then I think it would be a good idea to communicate with your partner about what happened. They will probably have questions and react with more emotion than logic. Try to remain grounded, and calm. This will help you stay on track with what you want to express. You may even try rehearsing aloud or writing down what you'd like to say to your partner. This is ultimately going to take effort from the both of you if both agree to salvage the relationship, however your partner may feel that the trust just isn't there anymore. They may need time to digest the information and do a little soul searching of their own. When it comes down to it, the ultimate goal of a relationship is to create a symbiotic harmony in which both people can find comfort and happiness in the company of the other person. If one doesn't feel like that, than perhaps it's best for both people to move on. You can't force emotions that aren't there. It may be a hard task, but in the end you'll be able to pick yourself up and try to pursue happiness either with your current partner or with another.
Nov 18, 2014
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You must go and confront your partner first. Depending upon the reaction that he/she gives after listening to you, you will find a way out. If he accepts you, well and good. If he refuses, then you must accept and respect his decision and move on.
Sep 27, 2014
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No! Ask yourself why and take a look at your behavior, is it something that you are not getting from your partner that caused you to cheat? Is it a level of freedom that you want in your relationships? Are you just wanting to explore and expand but not leave the person you're with?
After answering these I'd then TALK to them and share your experience. Tell them what you learned, reassure them you're not going anywhere (if you've decided to stay) or tell them why you're choosing to leave.
Cheating doesn't mean an end to a relationship, it just means its time for honesty, both within yourself, and with your partner.
Nov 5, 2014
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If you cheated because you are really not into your partner then yes. You are not doing him/her any favors by staying in a relationship you are ambivalent about.
Sep 11, 2014
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First , you have to tell your partner that you cheated . If you feel guilty you shouldn't break up with your partner but you should try to make it up to him .
Nov 4, 2014
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Yeah, they deserve better than what you're giving them, which I hate to say, but is probably the truth.
Oct 30, 2014
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I believe you shouldnt break up with your partner but to learn from your mistake amd take responsiblity for the consequences that may come, meaning they want to break up with you.
Nov 7, 2014
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Are you willing to prove to that person that you regret what you did? Are you willing to not do it ever again? Are you willing to do everything to keep your partner's trust back? If yes, then you shouldn't breakup with your partner. Tell your partner what you did and if that person still accepts you, then do everything you can to win that person back. Everybody deserves second chances make sure you won't do that again to your partner. You should be loyal to one another for the relationship to work.
Nov 9, 2015
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There is no right answer to this. It's something that you should discuss with your partner and come to a conclusion on. There's too many factors that are unknown to give a decisive yes or no on this, and frankly it really depends on the people involved and their feelings.
Dec 19, 2015
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if you are a human being, at least tell you partner before you break up. you need to break up whether your partner likes it or not, but tell the truth. be honest. and break up. in the future, if your partner was your MFEO, then you'll meet again. it's called a destiny.
Dec 26, 2015
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Well, when you feel that you have cheated someone that means you do recognise your feelings and your deeds. What matters now is how will you deal with it. Either if you are under pressure you might want to tell. But at the same time you can take up the responsibility to become Stronger and to Stand still as the Perfect partner your partner has ever thought of.
Whatever it may be, go ahead and accept your feelings of heart breaking and just go ahead. Make is friendly than thinking ugly about it.
Sep 20, 2014
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You should talk to them about it first. If you know that cheating was a mistake and convey that, maybe they would be willing to forgive you, and you'll both grow from it together.
Jan 6, 2016
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Confront him or her first. And let him or her decide whether s/he can accept you with your truth or not. And also ask yourself if you were at your partner's position what you would have done?
Mar 23, 2016
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Honestly, if you cheated on your partner, you probably aren't very satisfied with them as it is. My recommendation would be to break up with them so you may possibly stop them from being hurt even more so in the future.
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