How to stop thinking about someone who hurt you?
93 Answers
Last Updated: 06/28/2021 at 5:50pm
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Top Rated Answers
February 20th, 2016 5:07pm
It is always good to reflect over past relationships even though you might want ot stop thinking about it. If you really want to stop thinking about it anyway, go over all of the relevant events bothering you and make sure you feel done with them, otherwise try to solve the issues or they may come back and bother you in the future.
Don't feel bad for thinking of that person or experience instead busy yourself with other things and recognize why you think about that event.
April 28th, 2016 1:43am
Talk to friends, or a parent or someone trusted. Play with your pet, listen to music there is countless things you can do to just relax.
One way to stop thinking about someone who hurt you is to think through why they hurt you and try to understand.
Distract yourself with things you enjoy. Read a book, watch a movie, go for a walk, hang out with friends. I definitely think friends are the key to getting over someone. They will have you talking and laughing and you'll realize you hadn't even thought of the person who hurt you.
By caring for yourself more. Not all come in our lives, as a blessing, right? Some bring out the best in you and some are there to teach you a new lesson and I know it's not easy at all. It hurts when you've invested so much of time and love and you don't get back in return. But hey, at least not all are there to hurt us right? We still have some right people around us and will definitely have some about we think about them?
April 22nd, 2016 10:15pm
Just try to find something to occupy your mind (for example, new hobbies, home improvement,etc.)
Remember that there are 9 billion people (and counting) on this planet and one single person isn't at all significant in the grand scheme of things. If one person has hurt you then move on with life and redirect your focus to the other 8,999,999,999 humans out there!
It is very difficult but very important to move on from hurt as it isn't going to help dwelling around the hurt. It is very important to recognize and being sympathetic to victim or yourself. Time is the best healer. As time passes, the intensity of hurt reduces. If we let go then only we create space for positive engergies like love, care, responsibilities, creativity, etc. The freshly person must try to distract himself as best as possible. Sometimes it might require investment in entertainment or travel or watching movie or visiting a friend. But, believe me they are worth investment.
Tell someone for starters. Have you done that? Then be around people you love and do things that make you happy
March 2nd, 2016 9:32pm
By remembering the bad things they did also to throw away any physical things that reminds you of the person
March 3rd, 2016 2:50pm
I think the only cure is time. But of course you should focus on something else, go outside with friends and try to be happy. Maybe learn some new things, travel somewhere. Nature always help me to feel realxed. Try to think positive but don't forget, sometimes is healthy to cry a little and at this time it's good for you when you have someone to talk to.
April 10th, 2016 3:20am
Do as the saying goes "time heals all wounds" and try to focus on dreams/goals/family/friends. It takes a lot of strength but when you can't move forward, crawl.
Keep yourself occupied doing what ever it is you enjoy doing this wont be easy at first but eventually itll be come easy and youll forget about that person
Try to think about more positive things. Occupy your time with things that will heal you, or perhaps help you evolve. Do not allow that persons actions to hurt you further by being stuck on their previous actions. Do not give them that power.
March 12th, 2016 2:18am
You just have to except and find out away to just have that time pass and if it gets to bad about thinking it get someone to help you figure out a way to cope just live with that feeling or not.
Focus on other things. Keep yourself busy. When that person comes to mind, think of something else. Don't let that person continue to hurt you by going over them over and over.
This is a really tough one. Sometimes we're mentally scarred by the people we love who hurt us, more than a random person who could hurt us. This is normal - we don't want, or even expect, the people we love to hurt us. Usually, there isn't really any sole way to stop thinking about them. Perhaps, there could be some ways to help manage the thinking, such as spending time with other people, or doing things that you really enjoy, which could really be effective in taking your mind off things. Only you know what's best for you. What do you enjoy? What do you love? The answers to these things could be the answer to your question.
Well the straight forward answer to the question is that You cannot plan on this. I am sure whoever has hurt you was special to you, and making him or her special wasn't a planned thing and it happened naturally with the course of time.
It's an organic process of emotions being developed and not some project or goal that can be forgotten once it's over. You can fill any void in your life either be letting it go or by replacing someone. You don't need to forget that person, maybe just not give importance to that person anymore. I understand application is tough, but trying to forget makes you think about that person more.
This might sound cliche, but Time does heal everything. Don't be idle, involve yourself in something more important and be occupied. Try healing someone which may help you heal yourself in the process.
It's my personal experience, I couldn't forget that person, but definitely felt better when I was able to help someone else heal their emotional wounds. You develop a sense of being strong and being someone having substance in life.
The very first step you need to take is to cut all contact with them. No messages or calls or seeing them. Out of sight out of mind as the saying goes. Whenever you feel tempted to talk to them remind yourself of what they did to hurt you so that it puts you off contacting them. Don’t others speak about them infront or you and more importantly don’t ask around about the or stalk their social media. Try to keep yourself busy as the more free time you have the more your mind will wander. Remember if they’ve hurt you before they can do it and you’re worth so much more than that :)
In a simple sentence but much more difficult done than said: find people to love and replace those sad and damaging thoughts with new positive ones, memories you will cherish.
By realising that all that mental space you are wasting on thinking about them, can be filled with positive thoughts and ideas instead. Also by forgiving them, doesn't mean you should excuse their actions, it just means you let go of how it is affecting you.
You never have to stop thinking about it. Reflecting on pain is one thing, continually reinforcing and not addressing it is another. Changing the WAY you think about the pain and the person that caused it is what's most important. Forgiveness can be incredibly powerful and healing, but it's also a personal choice. Try to reframe your thoughts about the person and situation from "I'm hurt, they hurt me, I hate them" to "yes, I was hurt. I'm still hurting currently. But I am strong, I will heal, even if it takes time". You're in control of your life!
February 18th, 2016 7:41pm
Start caring about person who care for you, ultimately you wont feel the need to think about unwanted person
Think about someone who supported you. You can counteract the negativity with positivity. This is a good way to stop thinking about someone who hurt you.
When someone has hurt you, it is important to take away a lesson. "I will never hurt anyone like this, ever. We know how it feels. It takes time to heal, but damage isn't something to pass on. If anything, doing the exact opposite is a million times more healing for everyone.
Keep Busy! It is really the only way in the beginning. Go out talk to friends, do things that make you happy and soon it will fade.
April 21st, 2016 6:20am
Well, trying to suppress thoughts typically only makes it worse. Instead, it's important to try to refocus your thoughts.
Look at all of the positive times you have had with that person. Come to realize that sometimes they are people who really want us to be happy but they made bad choice. Let go, forgive and keep moving on.
That's really hard love :/ you have to keep your mind busy on other things . A hobby or something else that you like . And it will slowly fade away
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