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How can I get over my anxiety or fear of driving on highways?

Profile: MonBon
MonBon on Jan 29, 2016 more
It's okay to stay in the right lane. Feel free to hug that shoulder. You don't have to get close to other cars if you don't want to. If someone is riding your tail you can lightly tap the break as a "please get further back from me" sign. The speed limit is a maximum, and if you don't feel safe driving at that speed, you can slow down a bit. You got this
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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 29, 2014 more
Remember that you know what you're doing, and the drivers around you likely do. You have been trained to drive and if you stay confident in your skills, you will be okay.
Profile: NikiTaylor
NikiTaylor on Nov 2, 2014 more
I would suggest driving on the highway at a time when it's mostly empty and when you have someone you trust in the passenger seat. That way if you get too nervous, they can talk you through it. I used to have this fear and what helped me get over it was exposing myself to the conditions I was afraid of, making it progressively harder once I was able to successfully complete the easier ones.
Profile: awkwardpotato
awkwardpotato on Nov 2, 2014 more
The only way to get over it is to face your fear. You won't get over your fear if you keep avoiding it. Drive more often on highways and you'll see it isn't that bad.
Profile: Wes2
Wes2 on Nov 4, 2014 more
Hire a driving instructor! Practice with parents and friends. Also remember that anxiety is healthy-- it can save your life. If driving at 70 miles an hour in a metal can alongside a bunch of other metal cans doesn't make you anxious, there's something wrong with your innate survival mechanisms. That anxiety will keep you alert and making responsible decisions on the road.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Sep 3, 2015 more
I cannot give you advice but I can only listen to you. Everyone has their own fear and I believe that nothing is impossible. I believe in you, you can do it! :)
Profile: Blossom2u
Blossom2u on Nov 12, 2014 more
I used to get terrible anxiety when ever I traveled...I found the most effective method of managing my anxiety was controlling my breathing and to become very mindful of my breath. I would inhale and exhale slowly and deeply so that my mind would come under control and my body would also calm down and stop going into fight/flight mode. A lot of anxiety is related to our breath which causes a vicious circle, the more anxious we feel, the more shallow our breath comes which makes us feel more anxious and so on. By taking control of the breath we can take control of our mind.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 23, 2015 more
I used to have the same problem. I used breathing exersized to calm myself down, and listend to music that made me feel good. It changed the way I looked at the highway and i started to learn how to own them instead of fear them. And most important: don't avoid it, but face it.
Profile: Julienne
Julienne on Apr 9, 2015 more
I think the best approach would be to approach your anxiety or fear slowly. First think about what it is that makes you anxious or fearful about driving on the highway. Then slowly expose yourself to these elements in a safe way, possibly with a therapist, a close friend, or family member. Make sure that you are relaxed before exposing yourself to these things. While you are exposing yourself to driving on the highway, by doing something such as being in the passenger seat while someone else drives, do some relaxation exercises. Do not stop exposing yourself until you are able to stay calm while doing that thing. Eventually, try driving on the highway yourself (preferably with someone else) while relaxed. This is based on the cognitive behavioral therapeutic technique called systematic desensitization.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 31, 2015 more
If you have driving anxiety the bet way to treat it is to get more experience driving and make sure you are driving a safe (or one that makes you feel safe) vehicle. Personally I had a crippling fear that made it very hard for me to even step foot into the driver seat. Now, I drive so well my friends make me be the designated driver quite often. I got over my fears by driving around my local neighborhood and on back roads near my house. At first I started with my mother and then my close friends. Finally, then by my self. It takes time to be confident with your driving skills. Your insecurity is just admitting to yourself that you need more training. Driving is an everyday part of life, don't suffer because of it. Hope this helps, SM
Profile: esceflora
esceflora on Nov 5, 2014 more
Just tell yourself that you can always stop if anything goes wrong. There's always a way out of a stressful situation. :)
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Sep 26, 2015 more
Drive during off-peak hours — Avoid rush hour traffic if possible. That’s when highway driving is at its worst. Take along a trusted friend — Having someone you feel comfortable with in the car helps you calm down. Plus you have another pair of eyes to help keep track of things. “Sensory overload,” aka hypersensitivity anxiety, is one of the biggest complaints about highway driving, so having someone to watch your blind spots helps. Take a defensive driving class — Your anxiety may be due to a lack of good driving skills. Skillful execution of the physical mechanics of driving means more confidence in scary situations like highway merging.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 25, 2015 more
I personally got over my fear of driving on highways by listening to calming music on my drive. Music always has helped calm me down ever since I was a baby, and if music is a part of your life O believe this can help you as well. Another way that helps eliminate or at least calm anxiety over any subject is repetition. Every day I have to drive on a highway to and from school. The first few times it was terrifying, but the more I did it, the more confident I became.
Profile: Dannikinz
Dannikinz on May 24, 2015 more
Driving on the road has plenty of unknowns and for some, it can be a very scary place to be. However, if safety is your worry, just practice general road rules. Go by the speed limit in the slow lane, put on your safety belt, keep your eyes on the road and breathe. As long as you are being safe, there is nothing to be afraid of. A distracted and distressed driver is more prone to an accident than one who is calm and adjusted.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 23, 2015 more
I have to take medication to be able to drive on highways, take deep breaths and focus. I'm getting a camera to put on my dash to feel safer if another accident were to happen again.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jan 7, 2016 more
If your fear of driving is mostly about panic attacks, the way to solve this problem is to learn how to better handle panic attacks. If you have panic attacks in situations other than driving, it might help to start with a situation in which your role is more passive - perhaps waiting in a long line, or walking through a crowded mall. You can then work with driving after you've made progress in the more passive role first. If your fear is more like the performance anxiety described above, you need a similar progressive practice with driving in which you can practice accepting your fearful thoughts and feelings while doing the work of driving. You can use the same techniques as the person with panic attacks, because the underlying fear, of becoming so afraid as to be unable to drive, is similar to the fear of losing control to a panic attack. The main difference in the thoughts with performance anxiety is the extent to which you worry that others are watching, and judging, you.
Profile: heyitssaf
heyitssaf on Nov 5, 2014 more
Pick a time when the roads aren't that busy. Stay in the right lane until you think you feel comfortable to try and switch lanes when there isn't a ton of traffic. Take deep cleansing breaths and remind yourself you are not in danger.
Profile: CaringJoy
CaringJoy on Feb 6, 2016 more
Trust in yourself and your ability to confidently drive safely while staying in the moment and not predicting the worst outcome. more
I would recommend cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) through a psychologist. This helps to rewire how you think and react to things.
Profile: Doc3Mar
Doc3Mar on Jan 7, 2016 more
For me personally, it was just the immersion therapy approach. I hate driving on freeways or busy streets and would get panic attacks. I had a friend tag along at first and they'd keep an eye on me and try to keep my mind focused on something other then my approaching anxiety. It took some time but it helped me out.
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