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Stacey Kiger, LPC
Licensed Professional Counselor
My belief is that therapy is not about giving advice, but joining you on your journey
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December 26th, 2015 11:40am
Yes it does through patience and bravely surviving it, so if you are patient and brave you can actually get through it
Anxiety is nice alarm in our bodies to give us a sign of something we have to act against or won't disappear but its totally manageable..there s a lot of coaches who can teach how to do anxiety management..
when you get to lose your inhibitions and fear it might go away for good, once you feel like you really are being yourself and having no regrets and guilt.
I have learned to deal with my anxiety to the point where it is almost none existant. I have worked hard On myself. When anxiety rears its ugly head, I have the taught myself the skills to be able to combat it. If I can do it, anyone can.
Yes, an anxiety attack eventually goes away and lasts for a few minutes and we eventually calm down
no, it will always find a way to creep back in but you just gotta push it back out again and again
Mine has not i try to cope with my anxiety to the best of my ability. Even if its just sitting in silence for a few minute
December 30th, 2015 3:51pm
You can overcome the constant feeling of anxiety! Yes you can :) Those of us who are prone to anxiety have a variety of triggers that cause us to feel anxious. Those triggers may never go away but that's alright its part of who you are so accepting and integrating those triggers into your healing process is a great start. Knowing we don't have to anticipate anxiety is a wonderful thing that is why I used Mindfulness techniques to help me live in the present, accept my emotions as valid, and take one moment at a time. I choose a healthy diet and meet regularly with my health professionals so that I can stay ahead of my anxiety issues. I found photography helps when I feel my anxiety starting to grow inside me. A hobby is a great way to lessen those feelings. It takes work but mindfulness techniques are one way to tackle that anxiety. You don't need luck. You are awesome! Thanks for reaching out for help!
December 30th, 2015 6:36pm
I don't think that anxiety ever truly goes away but I do think as you get older you find ways to overcome it and learn to live with it, but thats just me I don't know if it ever does just go away
I certainly hope so! I wish that for everyone who suffers from it. I think it is possible but it takes a lot of work and time and different things will work for different people. I think it is important to learn how to manage your anxiety, understand it, know it and in some way embrace it. I am not completely rid of my anxiety but I think that now that I have done the research and self-reflection and therapy, I understand it a lot better and is therefore reduced.
Yes anxiety does eventually go away you have to keep working on it. Try listening to music or you could try yoga.
Not really, it will always be there, but you have the choice to acknowledge it or not. It can feel that way, which is good, but it will not entirely go least not in my experience.
Anxiety itself can be triggered by so many different events. What you'll find is as time goes on, the events that trigger your anxiety might change.
Yes you can learn to be just concerned instead of afraid and you can have a happy life without any fears.
No. Anxiety will never leave you as a person. I don't think anxiety can be cured. Because it's not a disease, or a virus. But I think it can be dealt with through love, compassion, and understanding.
December 31st, 2015 7:47pm
Truly it never does, you eventually just get so busy you just don't care anymore.
Anxiety sucks, just do things with your life that you are confident with. It will distract you.
December 31st, 2015 9:18pm
Anxiety will definitely go. Anxiety is created based on your thoughts. If you focus to do good and to see the positive outcome, it will help you to eliminate anxious feelings.
December 31st, 2015 11:16pm
I would say no. Anxiety is supposed to help us get things done and to protect ourselves, it's just that sometimes anxiety comes at unhealthy levels.
You can grow out of it. You can change as a person. But it honestly depends on the circumstances.
January 1st, 2016 9:44pm
I don't think it ever fully disappears but I think you can learn to control it a lot better and begin to get to know yourself more
Yes, it can. For some people anxiety is not something they have to consider, it is an occasional malady. For others it is a constant companion and still others fall somewhere in the middle. Basically, it depends on you, your brain chemistry, and how you are coping with the anxiety. For myself, it has become a pretty permanent experience, but I do get moments of reprieve and with medication I have been able to find even more relief from the constant battering of anxious thoughts. Have you done any guided meditations specifically oriented towards anxiety? YouTube has a ton. There is also an anxiety module located under "My Path" self-help guides, there are some breathing exercises towards the end of the module that can be helpful. I hope you find some relief! Take care of you.
I think anxiety management is difficult and your anxiety levels depend on how well you manage your symptoms. Anxiety management is about learning and avoiding your triggers, managing your anxiety when it happens, and avoiding panic attacks. It is a difficult thing to do but can be done with patience and practice!
Depends how much you will it too and how strong of a mind you have as a person, also how much trauma you have experienced in your life time.
Anxiety is attached to your like any of your limbs. It doesn't go away but there are many ways to help it become much less the centrefold of your life.
Everyone is different. Those who are or have experienced anxiety may feel like they're cured, however we learn to control more than being cured. It takes time and patience to learn how to control your anxiety, especially during times where things aren't going so well for us. When it comes to anxiety, we need to think about coping methods to get through with it. As long as you bring effort towards getting better, you will get through it and learn to control it, where it feels the anxiety isn't there no more, or it only occurs occasionally. I find meditation, listening to calm music and making green tea very helpful. Before, I would laugh at this.. But I find it really beneficial. Also, writing down about my day is good. I describe my day, how I felt, what I done. All in detail, to look back on for reference and to get it all out on paper.
February 11th, 2016 10:12pm
It depends on how long you were exposed to. But if you find the root of the problem, you can really deal with it and probably erase it !
Anxiety can be pretty tricky, since it's something "healthy people" experience as well. You can only really learn how to cope with it better.
I believe that anxiety is always there, but when you learn to manage it, it seems to go away and you could feel the weight lift off you.
no. it does not. but you can deal with it in many ways. write in a diary, see a therapist, do activities you enjoy.
I think it can't go away entirely. It will be always a part of myself. Maybe you can learn how to live with it and accept it fully, but I think it's a part of you. Even if it's just in your past. But when you deal with it, then you can learn how to live with your anxiety and maybe it gets easier! Just don't give up.
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