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You have gifts to give! Do not get distracted by comparing yourself to others.

Creator: @GlenM

Comparing ourselves with other is a natural process and likely emerges from a time when there was not enough to go around. We had to compete to get what we needed. Thankfully, we now live in an environment where there is plenty to go around.

You are a unique person. You have strengths and weaknesses and a different way of seeing and navigating the world. You are an expert on being you. That is one of your greatest strenghts.

You also have a purpose and a contribution to make here on 7 Cups and more broadly in your every day life. No one else can make that contribution. Only you can. I couldn't make your contribution because I am not you.

I want you to make your own contribution because you are the only one that can make it. That is the gift that you can give to others. Life is process where we learn to live in a way that enables us to give and care for others in the way that uniquely emerges from our personality.

If you understand the above, and you believe it, then you can see why comparing yourself to others is such an easy way to get off track. You end up focusing on another person's life or video game. Just play your game and live your life because we all need your gifts and you are the only one that can provide them.


Write in the box below:

"I have gifts to give and contributions to make. Whenever I start comparing myself with another person, I will remind myself we are different people each with our own gifts to give."