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Worry: Out of Our Control

How to manage worry that is out of our control

Creator: @mikacv

What if the worry is something that is out of our control? An example of a worry that is out of our control might be worrying about the effect of the economy the quaratine might have and how this affects your job and financial security. In that case there are several ways we can try to attack these worries. 

The first is mindfulness. Mindfulness exercises help us focus on the present and break away from worries. Try the 7Cups mindfulness here. Try your best to loosen your body and your mind and detach from your worries and focus on your present state. In addition to mindfulness, you can also engage in meaningful activities, like hobbies, to take your mind off of these worries.

Another way to shift your worry from something you can't control is to shift it toward something you can control. You can make a to-do list of things that you can control, such as cleaning your room, cooking dinner, or taking out the trash. Even though these things might seem menial or small compared to your big worries about the pandemic, engaging in activities that are meaningful and productive can make ourseleves feel better and ground us back to our present being with things that we have the ability to control. 

Seeking a silver lining can also help to break the worry cycle. This is similar to breaking thought distortions. If we can think of positive things that can come out of situations, we can lift our mood and have more positive thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. For example, having to cancel our social plans or trips due to the pandemic may cause us worry. When are we going to be able to travel? But if you think of all the things you can do because we are quarantining, you can see the positive side to staying inside. Maybe there has been a book you have been wanting to read that now you have time to finish. Perhaps you have always wanted to watch a show, but never got around to it. 

If you find yourself excessively worrying throughout the day, you can set or schedule a time for you to worry. In this time, you can use the strategies above to manage your worries and hopefully come out of your "worry time" less worried and more relaxed and positive!