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Worry: Problem Solving

How to manage worrying by problem solving

Creator: @mikacv

A specific feeling or thought we might have is worry during the pandemic. Although worry can be healthy and good in some circumsances to problem-solve and identify situations we need to focus on, excessive worrying can cause a hinderance in our life and keep us from getting things done, especially when we worry about things that might be out of our control, as with some aspects of the pandemic. 

There are steps we can take to manage our worry and re-frame our worry. The first thing to do is identify the worry. What exactly are we worried about? Then, think about how much control we actually have over this worry. Is there something we can do about this worry or is it out of our control? 

If it is within our control, we can use a problem-solving strategy

  1. What is the problem?
  2. What are possible solutions to the problem? Rate each solution by considering pros/cons, time, effort, and consquences. 
  3. Choose which solutions seem to be the best by considering whether they are feasible, acceptable, and managable.
  4. Make an action plan based on the solution you chose.