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What to do when you relapse

Creator: @CheeryMango

Relapses are a very normal and completely acceptable part of every clean streak, be it on self-harm, substance abuse and all kinds of addiction or even people pleasing behaviors

If you ever face a relapse, hold on a second, remind yourself of few things:

Firstly, relapses are normal, so very common and acceptable, not only for you but for thousands of people facing them daily.

Secondlly, to break a clean streak, you first need to have it and you managing to have that streak is a big achievement you deserve credit on, by itself! A bad day won’t change the fact you’ve been progressing well.

Thirdly, if you have done it once, you can do it again too. It won’t be starting all over again though, this time you know by experience that you can do it, you are more of an expert on yourself, your triggers and coping skills that work for you.

After remembering that, take care of yourself, annd give yourself time for selfcare. If you feel it’s hard to get through the overwhelming pressure of the experience, talk to someone and when you are ready think of it as if the relapse never happened, keep trying and progressing on your journey!