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Video On Self-Esteem Recap

Creator: @sophiasanae

Let's review the video we watched on self-esteem!


The definition of having low self-esteem is feeling like you are underperforming or are unworthy as a person. However, self-esteem is not always effected by external factors like many people believe. You can have a high-paying job and a fantastic life, but that doesn't necessarily mean you will have high self-esteem. Also, one's perspective of themselves is shaped by three main factors:

1) What Your Same-Sex Parent Did

We often unconsciously evaluate our sense of self-worth based on what our parents did. For example, if you are doing better financially, socially, or otherwise in comparison to your same-sex parent, than you are more likely to have a feeling of success.

2) What Your Peer Group Is Up To

Our self-esteem can be highly influenced by those we have come to see as our peers. If one person in your peer group does exceptionally well (Ex. becomes a wealthy CEO) you may feel like you are an under-achieving person in comparison.

3) Unconditional vs. Conditional Love

Some people had parents that only showed them conditional love. This means they were shown affection when they won trophies, got good grades, and succeeded in other ways. However, when they faced failure as a child, that love an affection was withdrawn. Because of this conditional love, they grew up to be dependent on their success as a determinant of their worth. This causes self-esteem to be linked only to success, meaning the person does not have control over it and often feels like they are worthless if they face failure.

Read the growth path "Sophia's Daily Steps for Positive Focus" HERE.