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Using Affirmations to Reconnect with the power in you


Take care of your thought process. You are verily (certainly) what your thoughts have made you.

Verily all power is within me. All strength is within me. And that is why I can manifest in my life whatever I want.

Watch this video on the miracle of affirmation/positive-thinking:

Progress in life could feel a challenging task, and it is easy to lose patience and hope at times. It is easy to lose track and feel lost. Some healthy reminders, known as affirmations, can help you reconnect with your values and remind you of your path.

Few helpful affirmations-

“I understand that it is not easy to alter the old unhealthy behavior patterns. Given it is a tough task, any little progress is worthy of my notice and appreciation.”

“I would look to treat myself as a supportive parent would treat their child, or as a true friend would care.”

“I understand that appreciating small acts of kindness around me brings harmony to my world.”

Questions for you!

What affirmations remind you of the power in you?

Do you appreciate yourself sometime?

Do you appreciate those around you for their small acts of kindness?