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Understand the Role of Biases in Your Relationship: Attributional Bias

People are often acutely aware of the external pressures that have shaped their behavior, but they overlook how the same circumstances affect others. Attributional bias is a tendency to explain another person's behavior by referring to their character rather than any situational factor (while using reverse to explain our behavior).

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Attributional bias makes people generate different explanations for their own behavior than they do for the similar things they see their partners do (Malle, 2006).  

How does it affect your relationship? Partners typically don't realize discrepancies in their attributions; each believes the other sees things the same way they do. By consciously attempting to understand each other's viewpoint, the partners can reduce this discrepancy (Arriaga & Rusbult, 1998). 

Example: When John comes late he is irresponsible, but when I come late it is because there was a traffic jam, etc. 

How can you use this knowledge to make your relationship better?