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Types of Anxiety: GAD Causes

Creator: @Izzy274

According to the NHS , there is no known exact cause of GAD. However, we do know lots of factors that can contribute to developing this form of anxiety.

Some suggested causes are:

  • Overactivity in certain areas of the brain that are associated with emotions and behaviour.
  • Imbalance of chemicals in the brain, such as serotonin and noradrenaline, that help with controlling moods. 
  •  genetics - you are over 5 times more likely to develop GAD if you have a close relative with the condition. 
  • going through a stressful or traumatic experience.
  • having a long term health condition.
  • having a history of drug/alcohol misuse. 
  • BUT many people also develop GAD for no clear reason, and that is also okay.

GAD also affects up to 5% of the population, so you're not alone if you're experiencing this! 

Ask yourself: What do you think might contribute to causing your anxiety? How does this impact how you feel about your anxiety?


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