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The Problem is the Path

Creator: @GlenM

We often have a plan for how life should go. Problems pop up and knock us off the path that we have set out for ourselves. What if our understanding of how we think life should unfold is not necessarily right or accurate? What if the problems that surface are the path that we are supposed to be on? What if each new problem we face enables us to learn a key new lesson that we'll need to solve the next problem we face?

The Stoics said the problem IS the path. Solving a problem is like taking a bottle of water out of a cooler in a 7-eleven. You solve the first problem and then another one slides down. We might not want to be the path that we are on, but the path we are on IS the path we are on and we get stronger through solving the problem that is immediately in front of us. And that is how we become stronger and more confident. 



This is so very true, Glen. Thanks for writing this growth path. Hopefully it will make us stop and think, before we speak. Also, I love "The Stoics said the problem is the path." This is so very true, Glen. We have to be very careful, with the choices we make in life. We also have to be very care, with our words that we use. Words have meaning. Words also have power. We can use words for good, or we can use words to hurt others. Hopefully, we use our words for good, and try our best, not to hurt others. I know I try my best to use my words for good and try really hard not to use my words to hurt someone. Also each new problem we face, we hopefully grow and learn from, and learn new problem solving skills, for the next problem we face. Life is full of ups and downs, and also problems. I feel the more problems we face, it makes us better at solving them and facing them head on. Hopefully, I am right when I say that.