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Stress During the Pandemic Part 2

Strategies to use for stress

Creator: @mikacv

Another important strategy to manage stress, especially in response to feeling overwhelmed due to a task, is to remind yourself of WHY. When we feel stressed out or feel like something is too much for us, it can be refreshing and resetting to ask yourself "Why am I doing this? What is the purpose again?" This will create value in your life, and often when we have a good, clear reason that is important to us, the task at hand seems to have more meaning and purpose. We can feel accomplished and proud when we complete these tasks when we hold value to them. For example, you might be stressed about wearing masks everywhere you go during the pandemic. By reminding yourself of the why, which would be to adhere to public health recommendations to avoid getting the virus, it gives more meaning to wearing masks and may let us feel less stressed when we know it is for a good purpose.

During stressful times as these, we often fall victim to beating ourselves up. It is important to practice self-compassion and remind of what makes you great! Self-compassion will build up motivation, drive, and strength to complete the tasks at hand. Label the negative emotions you feel in response to the situation and remind yourself that these feelings are normal. Think of what you might say if a friend was in the same situation as you. Be kind and offer words of encouragement to yourself.