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Stress During the Pandemic

What to do when stretched too thin

Creator: @mikacv

Another way we might feel during the face of the pandemic is stressed. This feeling might be similar to being overwhelmed. The difference may be that during the COVID-19 pandemic, feeling overwhelmed might be due to the fact that there are many big problems in the world that you cannot solve alone, and feeling stressed might be due to the fact that because of the pandemic, there might be more work to do than before, maybe due to childcare or adpatations to work. When we feel like we suddenly have too much on our plate, there are things we can keep in mind that will help us thorugh these difficult times.

Just as with feeling overwhelmed, routine is important. It helps us balance our emotional and physical health when setting sleep times, meal times, and activitity times, like exercising. List your responsibilities and plan them in a way that is managable so you can get things done with ease and at a nice pace. In addition to your to-do list, don't forget to spend quality time with others to throw some social aspects in your life still. Whether this be spending time with other people you live with or virtually spending time with friends or family, this can add balance to your life when we feel closed off in our homes. Don't forget self-care as always and make sure to also set time aside to yourself to relax, work on a hobby, or have fun with yourself!