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Step By Step: Do I need to refer to another listener?

Here are some questions you should be asking yourself before sending your member another listener's way.

  1. Is this chat too triggering for me? If yes, refer, if no, read on!
  2. Do I need to leave? If yes, be honest with the member and ask if they want to be referred or end the chat, if no, read on! Note: only take chats if you don't have to leave in the next hour! Also, if you're past the first hour and need to leave, you don't need to refer, just let the member know you're going to leave and if they need to continue talking to contact another listener or reconnect with you later!
  3. Do I feel stuck? If yes, ask for chat-support in Listener Support Room or through this form, for help based on your specific ongoing chat, we can guide you step by step through the sticking points.

Need further guidance after your chats in your listening journey? Get connected to a listener mentor or a listener coach!

Essentially, what it comes down to is this: unless you're feeling really triggered, or an emergency has come up and you haven't been able to spend at least an hour with your member, referring really shouldn't be necessary.

To be clear: We are not saying you should never refer, or that referring isn't a good option, but keeping the member with the listener they started with is the absolute ideal way of getting a member the help they need without the potential for many pitfalls.

We believe so so much in all of you, and if you stick with a chat rather than just sending it on, we bet you and the member will benefit immensely.

Original post here