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Social Stigma: What Can We Do

Learn what steps we can take toward preventing and stopping social stigma.

Creator: @mikacv


After knowing the negative impacts of social stigma, what can we do to prevent or stop it from happening? We can always show compassion, empathy, and kindness toward those experiencing the stigma. We can correct negative language targeting others and misinformation. In addition to speaking out against others who fuel the stigma, we can also avoid using negative language and making assumptions ourselves. Understand COVID-19 and learn the ways to keep you and others safe. Spread facts about the pandemic from credible sources and educate others on what is true about the virus to correct stigmatized assumptions. Maintain the privacy of those that are COVID positive and seeking healthcare. This is their own information, and telling others behind their back may lead to gossiping and more stigma.

If you have had experience or are the victim of social stigma, you can use the strategies we went over in the anxiety and stress sections of this path, such as regular breathing exercises. Another strategy you can do is to just write all your thoughts and emotions about the situation on paper. Practice self-compassion through this exercise by reassuring yourself that it is normal to feel these negative emotions and experience these thoughts. Challenge yourself and try to replace those negativities with helpful thoughts. As always, you can seek support during this difficult time from people you trust, such as your friends and family, or organizations near you in your school, place of work, or community.