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Signs of High Functioning Anxiety

Creator: @Izzy274

It's important to recognise that we often can't tell when those around us are facing anxiety. Many people live with lots of anxiety, but the way we perceive their actions often doesn't match up to how they are feeling inside. 

There is lots of stigma facing mental illness, and many myths and stereotypes about how anxiety is presented. Here are some ways that people living with high functioning anxiety may act, and some ideas for the corresponding thoughts that go alongside this behaviour. 

Always being on Time

'If I am even one minute late, I might miss out on things, and I always feel sick if I'm running late, so it's easier to leave with plenty of time so I'm never late'.

Strong Work Ethic

' I don't want to disappoint anyone, if i don't work hard, everyone will notice and be mad at me, and I could get fired/ taken off this project'.

Always in Control

' Something might go wrong if I don't check everything and do it all myself, I can't trust others to do everything right'

Good at Planning

' I need to be prepared incase something bad happens... what if this happens? What if something else happens? I need to be prepared for anything'

Always Organised

'Things are way too overwhelming as it is, I need to keep organised or everything is going to get too much for me to handle.'

Super Helpful

'I can't say no to them, I need to show people I care and be there for them if they need me, no matter how hard it is for me'.

Zen and Relaxed

'I need to try so many methods to keep myself calm, If i do enough yoga, meditation and mindfulness, one of these techniques surely has to work'.

Self Assured

' I need to keep repeating affirmations to myself, otherwise I feel like I'm going to break down.'

Calm and Composed

'I just have to get through a few more hours, then I can deal with all this anxiety.'

Write Below:

- How do you think you appear to others when you're feeling anxious?

- What could you do to recognise and manage these feelings of anxiety?


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