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Self-Esteem Chats

-The biggest communication problem is ''We don't listen to understand, we listen to reply". Therefore, listen more.

Useful Questions

-What makes you feel/think____ (You are ugly/stupid/etc)?

-What would you say to someone that thinks they're ____?

-What are some things you like about yourself? (Tread lightly here, often the answer can be 'nothing')

-What is something nice someone else has said about you?

-What are some qualities you wish you had?

-What can help you achieve those qualities?

Useful Phrases

-We are much better collectors of our shortcomings than our strengths.

-We often magnify the negative statements which people say to us versus the positive statements or events which come our way.

-No one is perfect.

-We’re often meaner to ourselves than we are to anyone else.

Original post in this thread by @SamanthaH, send them a thanks!