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Self-Care and Compassion

Have you ever heard the saying "you can't pour from an empty cup"? Self-care ensures that our cup is always getting replenished. Self-care is a non-negotiable to get through College.

Creator: @calmSnow46


“Self-care is your superpower” 

Two things that pop into my mind when we talk about self-care are self-awareness and positive self-talk. Self-care is an activity that we do to refuel ourselves. It can be physical, mental, professional, spiritual, and social. Find out what kind of self-care is right for you by taking this quiz. According to Positive Psychology (n.d.), “becoming aware of how often, or how well, we practice self-care activities can help us identify areas we are neglecting and improve upon them for better mental health”. This self-care checkup list can assist you in keeping track of the frequency and quality of self-care in the five areas mentioned above. Practicing Self-care is important simply to avoid burnout. Without self-care, we would not be able to find ways for our stressors (Schaffner, 2020). Here are some ways on how you can start your selfcare routine: 


Did you know that self-compassion is also a form of self-care? Self-compassion is how we treat and communicate with ourselves. It is the same as being compassionate to others, but it is directed inward(My Workplace Health, 2020). Writing is a good exercise for you to enhance self-worth. Click here to write your letter of self-compassion. 

Tip: While writing your letter, imagine writing to a friend. 

What is Self-care and Self-Compassion 

Self-Care Check up 

What is Self-Care? 

Importance of self-care  

My Self-care Promise  

What is wellness and why is it important?  

Self-Care Planning: Working Towards Wellbeing 

How to start a self-care routine you’ll follow  

Small ways to practice self-care in difficult times 

What kind of self-care are you?