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As a group, we are highly empathic, compassionate and we genuinely want to help. We see so many of us putting in countless hours here to make sure our community is as supportive and positive as it can be. That is so appreciated and maybe we don't say it enough, but THANK YOU. Volunteers like you are what continue to make 7 Cups a thriving, supportive and amazing place to be.

Many of us are living with mental health issues or struggling with personal challenges, and to come online and see such a friendly and understanding group of people can be a bright spot on a dark day.

That being said, we do not take for granted that you are volunteers and here because you want to be (and hopefully because you enjoy being here). Many of us have other jobs, families, volunteer work, school and responsibilities that we need to attend to offline. We encourage you to focus on those other areas of your life when you need to and also recognize that all of us need personal time to self-care.

We never want you to feel like you cannot take a break and step back if you feel like you are burning out, working too hard, or need to take time to focus on yourself or other responsibilities. We want you to WANT to be here and for it to be enjoyable and helpful for you to be part of our community.

If you feel like you're reaching that place of burn out, step back and take a break. Your badges, roles and friends will all be here for you when you get back. Communicate with your team leaders about what you need. Let them know when you need a break and when you expect to come back. Post in this thread [L] or this thread to let us know you need self-care (we worry about you if you just disappear).

This goes for leaders too. Just because you are a leader on this site, does not mean that you are not deserving of self-care too. We will find you back-up and support for your roles. Taking self-care or time for yourself will never be held against you. If you are concerned about not meeting requirements, losing badges or privileges, let us know. We don't want stress about losing badges or roles to deter you from taking time for yourself when you need it.

So go take a trip, read a book, paint your nails, hang out with family or friends. We will be here for you when you get back.

SELF CARE is more than just sleeping early, more than avoiding your account and taking a break from 7 Cups, it's taking the required amount of time to NOURISH yourself, HEAL yourself, REJUVANATE yourself, both mentally and physically.

Original posts here and here by @Kate and @Mimi, send them a thanks!