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Seek Constructive Feedback


It is human nature to want to hear about our positives, what we are good at but it's constructive criticism that helps us grow and improve ourselves. 

You can seek constructive feedback from a number of people, people who you work closely with, or who are plugged into the roles you desire. They can often give you feedback that can be key in meeting your own goals. 

It is important to not take criticism personally, see it as a way to improve yourself, and the more you seek it, the easier it gets to hear it. Don't wait for someone to reach out and tell you what to improve on, reach out yourself and seek feedback. 

Some ways you can seek constructive feedback:

  • Reaching out to members you support and ask them how you can better support them
  • Reach out to your mentor and ask them what you can improve on
  • Reach out to a leader and ask how you can be a better leader 
  • Reach out to leaders of the team you want to be a part of and ask them how you can be a better fit for the team


Think about whom you will ask for constructive feedback today!