Safer Consumption of Alcohol, Drugs and Social Media
Safer Consumption
Consumption of social media
The use of social media has become a big part of our everyday lives, it provides us with an avenue of information, entertainment, and a way to easily connect with our loved ones. Although social media has many advantages, it can also have a negative impact on your mental health too. Excessive use of social media can cause sleep disruption and anxiety as it sometimes shows unrealistic views of life. Here are some tips from the Mayo Clinic to encourage safe and responsible use of social media: Social Media and Responsible Usage
Is social media hurting your mental health? Here’s a quick video of Bailey Parnell about how social media is impacting your mental health and how to practice safe social online.
Is Social Media Hurting Your Mental Health? | Bailey Parnell | TEDxRyersonU
Safe consumption of Drugs and Alcohol
As an international student, moving to a different country gives you an opportunity to have freedom and new experiences. You may feel overwhelming emotions from academic stress, relationship issues, peer pressure, lifestyle changes, financial challenges, and new responsibilities. These can cause you to turn towards trying different outlets like drugs and alcohol (International Student Insurance, n.d.).
Many campuses are committed to educating and spreading awareness to students by implementing training, seminars, and Naloxone kits. I highly encourage you to check out your student services to learn more about drugs and alcohol programs.
Campus Drinking and Other Substance Use: A Student Perspective
College Drinking Culture And Alcohol Safety Advice For Students | Feed That Nation
When is it a problem? How to get help
Drugs and alcohol become a problem when:
- You start harming others
- Affects your physical, social, and mental health
- You are psychologically dependent on consuming it
- You increase your dosage or consumption of alcohol
Where to seek help
If you or know someone who needs help reach out to your school counsellor or services that are available to anyone. Here are some links for help