Romantic Roadblocks (Optional Step)
A lot of people seem to consider romantic love as a primary source of happiness and meaning. Romantic love fills our brain with feel-good hormones (like dopamine), creating an extraordinary feeling of euphoria (rewards the pleasure centers in the brain) and making people have intense beautiful feelings for the ones they are fond of. And, of course it can go much deeper than hormones, for many it is the source of love, happiness, validation, intimacy, purpose etc.
So, unpleasant experiences from a romantic relationship/breakups can feel very challenging.
- It may affect one’s sense of worth (self-esteem)
- Make one feel rejected/lost/ confused/ empty.
- Leave one’s emotional needs unmet
- Raise issues related to forgiveness (forgiving others or themselves), loneliness, envy, regret, nostalgia, unhealthy obsessions etc.
And so on..
Romantic love is less about someone else completing and transforming you, but more about enhancing you.
(Romantic love is like an icing on the cake to enhance it, but you are a beautiful and an incredible whole cake by yourself )
It’s more important to have a solid sense of worth and a strong connection of love with our own selves. Remind yourself - You are whole and powerful on your own.
Example: I will be moving forward in my life holding no grudges against anybody and my self esteem will be high. Till I don’t heal I would avoid jumping to new relationships.
Write down 3 things you love about your life and 3 things you wish you could change.