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Resource: Self-help Strategies for Panic disorder

Creator: @Izzy274

This resource shares some helpful strategies for people to manage panic disorder. 

Here is a brief summary of the key points made in this article :)

Facts about anxiety

  • Anxiety is normal and adaptive, and we should not seek to eradicate it but to manage it. 
  • Anxiety can become a problem when we feel anxious when there is no real danger.

Understanding panic attacks

  • Panic attacks are the body’s “fight-flight-freeze” response kicking in.
    This response gets our body ready to defend itself but sometimes our body reacts when there is no real danger. 
  • Panic attacks are harmless, although they can feel very uncomfortable
    or scary 
  • Panic attacks are brief (typically lasting only 5 to 10 minutes at peak
    intensity), although they sometimes feel like they go on forever.
  •  Panic attacks are private experiences. Others (except those very close
    to you) usually cannot tell that you are having a panic attack. 

Learning to relax

calm Breathing: This involves taking slow, regular breaths through
your nose. However, it is important to realize that the goal of calm breathing is not to stop a panic attack because it’s dangerous, but to make it a little easier to “ride out” the feelings. 

Muscle relaxation: This technique invol ves tensing various muscles and then relaxing them, to help lower overall tension and stress levels, which can contribute to panic attacks.

Know the facts

  • Panic attacks will not cause you to faint, lose control, go crazy or die. 
  • You can grow to manage panic attacks more, even if the journey is long and difficult.


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