Resource: Centre for Clinical Interventions Self Help Modules
Here (link) is a post from an amazing unknown listener to some anxiety self-help modules and workbooks from the Centre for clinical interventions.
Here's an overview of the topics, take a look if you're interested!
Worry and Rumination Workbook:
Module 1: Overview of Generalised Anxiety
Module 2: Overview of Worrying
Module 3: Challenging Uncontrollability Beliefs
Module 5: Challenging Danger Beliefs
Module 6: Challenging Positive Beliefs
Module 9: Accepting Uncertainty
Module 10: Self Management Plan
Social Anxiety Workbook:
Module 1: Overview of Social Anxiety
Module 2: The Calming Technique: Breathing
Module 3: Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Module 4: The Thinking-Feeling Connection
Module 5: The ABC's of Thinking and Feeling
Module 6: Unhelpful Thinking Styles
Module 7: Detective Work and Disputation
Module 10: Graded Exposure: Building Situation Stepladders
Module 11: Graded Exposure: Climbing Situation Stepladders
Panic Workbook:
Module 3: The Thinking-Feeling Connection
Module 4: The ABC's of Thinking and Feeling
Module 5: Unhelpful Thinking Styles
Module 6: Detective Work and Disputation
Module 7: Evaluation and balanced thinking
Module 9: Coping with Physical Alarms - Exposure Part 1
Module 10: Coping with Physical Alarms - Exposure part 2
Ask Yourself: Which module is most helpful for you? What does this tell you about the way you experience anxiety?
Congratulations on completing this step! If you have any feedback for this growth path, please pm @Izzy274, or tag me in a forum post!