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Resource: Anxiety Self Help Guide - Understanding and Overcoming Anxiety

Creator: @Izzy274

here you can find the 7 Cups self-help guide for anxiety, however below are some key points from the 'Understanding and overcoming anxiety' section. This resource contains lots of ideas and exercises for getting to know your anxiety, as well as finding some ways to cope with it. 

Understanding and Overcoming Anxiety

  • 'Anxiety' can be used to describe phobias, panic attacks, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and generalised anxiety disorder. It could also describe shorter amounts of time when fear/ nervousness is felt due to a difficult situation or experience.
  • Many different symptoms are associated with anxiety, including cognitive (worries, catastrophic thoughts), behavioural (avoiding or leaving anxiety-inducing situations), emotional (feeling anxious and panicky) and physical (tension, light-headedness) symptoms. 
  • These are part of anxiety responses called fight, flight or freeze. These are our responses to danger, however they can also be activated unnecessarily when we are feeling anxious about something.
  • You can identify the symptoms of anxiety that you are experiencing by rating a list of symptoms from the self-help guide (link above). You can then rate this list twice a week, to see how your symptoms are changing over time.
  • Cognitive restructuring can be used to help with anxiety, by evaluating your anxious thoughts to realistically evaluate the danger of a situation. You may find that the danger is not as bad as you originally thought. Or, it may also help you to choose a coping technique.
  • Relaxation training can also help you to find both physical and mental relaxation - it's difficult for the mind to be simultaneously relaxed and anxious, so practicing relaxation can have a great positive affect on anxiety, and the severity and length of time you experience it. 
  •  We can also overcome avoidance, a hallmark of anxiety. Avoiding anxiety can cause it to build over time. Therefore, learning to approach anxious situations is very important in facing anxiety.
  • Medication can also be used to treat anxiety, however it is often controversial as it can be addictive. However, medications can also help many to feel calmer. You can speak to a professional if you feel as though this is something you would like to consider. 


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