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Resource: 11 Tips for Anxiety Sufferers

Creator: @Izzy274

This thread by an amazing unknown listener gives some great tips for people living with anxiety. 

Here they are summarised below (there is a lot more detail in the article, so if you find this helpful feel free to find out more!)

  • Regular exercise is extremely important, as it releases endorphins and helps you to feel more relaxed. 
  • Often, sharing can be better than holding things back - isolating yourself can have a very negative effect on your mental health, and, even if you don't feel like it, sometimes sharing can help you to find support and validation when you're going through a stressful time.
  • Coping tools are useful in the long term to maintain a long effect. This helps you to cope with stress faster, and feel healthier both psychologically and physically. 
  • Healthy distractions are helpful to prevent dwelling on negative, anxiety-inducing thoughts. 
  • Make stresses fun - it may be difficult but sometimes turning stresses into games can help you to feel more relaxed about a situation. 
  • Write out unforgettable thoughts - sometimes anxiety causes us to keep thinking one thought over and over again. Writing it out has been shown to help our minds move past this.
  • Drink water and get enough magnesium! These have links with anxiety, so making sure your diet allows you to get enough of these can help a lot.
  • Don't google symptoms - there are a lot of anxiety symptoms that mimic serious illnesses, and this can seriously stress you out! If you're worried about this, it is recommended to see a professional who can give expert advice :). 
  • Surround yourself with positive people - having positive friends and doing positive things together helps you to build each other up and support each other. 
  • All anxiety matters! Often there may be multiple things contributing to our anxiety - if we can decrease even one of these things it can help our overall wellbeing.
  • Feeling good about yourself matters - this helps you to build confidence in yourself and turn reduces anxiety (and depression). 

Ask yourself: which of these tips is most useful to you? How can you start to use it in your daily life?


Congratulations on completing this step! If you have any feedback for this growth path, please pm @Izzy274, or tag me in a forum post!

Created by @cheerfulIceCream

Very nicely summarised!

Created by @SparklyFly

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