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Re-entering Society: Social Anxiety

Explore how social anxiety can be connected to post-pandemic

Creator: @mikacv


When re-entering society, the thoughts and feelings we have toward going back to a social setting may be or lead to social anxiety. Take a look at this worksheet to learn more about social anxiety and discover whether you identify with this experience. We might be fearful of the negative outcomes that might happen in a social situation. Maybe we'll have awkward silences, maybe we'll not know what to say. One thing we can do is test those fears by exposing ourself to those fears.

First, identify and evaluate the fears you have. What are you afriad will happen? What is keeping you from entering this social situation? Then test this by facing your fears and doing what you are afraid to do. After doing so, regroup and evaluate your results. Did the negative outcome happen? If not, were our fears accurate? If they did, how did we cope? Would we be able to handle that again, and in what ways? Remember to always leave strategies on a positive note. Think about how you will conquer this situaiton in the future.