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Popup Classics: Kindness on 7 Cups

Through this step and a next few, we will watch some questions puffy pose in puffing goodness around!


Discussion#1: Kindness on 7cups: A puffy holds a discussion to inspire and spread kindness! 


Ice-breaker - Tell us one kind thing someone did for you and how did that make you feel?


  1. How might one be kind to someone online, without ever meeting them in person?
  2. Where are you most likely to find kindness on 7cups?
  3. Can you think of a time someone was kind to you on 7cups? What did they do?
  4. What is something kind you’ve personally done or said to someone on 7cups?
  5. Can you think of 1-2 things you can start doing this week to bring more kindness on 7cups?
  6. Let’s end the discussion with a kindness quote. Can you share one kindness quote with us?



From kindness emerges generosity, from generosity emerges abundance!