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Popup Classics: I’m Weird and I Know It!

A discussion to embrace uniqueness! 


Ice-breaker - Can you think of a celebrity/influencer who was labeled weird in their past but is now considered cool?  


  1. If someone was to call you weird, at this very moment in time, would you take it as a compliment or as an insult, and why?
  2. It seems like most of us at one point in time have experienced being called a name, it doesn’t have to be the word weird per say, it could be any name. How do we deal with situations like these when people call us names?
  3. “It’s weird not to be weird”-John Lennon. Do you agree with this quote? Why or why not? 
  4. Words over time evolve and often end up meaning something else (like ‘sick’ or ‘lit’). If you could change the meaning of ‘weird’ what would you change it to?
  5. How can we embrace our weirdness/differences?



Self-honesty is the wise man’s first religion.