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People Around You Influence Your Confidence Levels

Creator: @GlenM

One big part of becoming confident is learning how to add good people to your life and learning how to limit exposure to people that are harmful. The next several steps will address this topic because it is an important one and clears the ground for the next section of work. 

Imagine yourself as a circle and other circles connected to you. Some of these are close and some are further away. Some circles are bigger and some are smaller. All of these circles represent people in your life. The closer the circle to you, the more contact you have with that person. The bigger the circle the more important that person is in your life.

You can see this below image as a representation of a person that has been moved further away and now has a smaller circle:

You have control of these circles. If someone is kind and positive, then increase the size of their circle and bring them in closer. If someone is negative, then you can shrink their circle and place their circle further away. In the box below, write the name of one person’s circle that you want to increase and one person that you want to decrease.

Some people feel afraid or like it is against the rules to shrink another person's circle. It isn't! It is totally up to you. This is your life and you get one shot at it (as far as we know). This doesn't mean you need to tell the person or risk having a fight with them. Simply decrease - on purpose - the amount of words you use when you talk or text with them. Gradually dial it back. You'll be surprised to see that this helps you feel better and leaves you with more energy.