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Motivation as an Educator

Creator: @SoulfullyAButterfly


As an educator, you may find it hard to stay motivated while also needing to motivate your students. Here are some tips to help:

  • Always remember why you started - your role is an important one and the decision to embark it and attain your qualifications was a big step. Reminding ourselves that we are capable and can achieve our purpose is important!
  • Think about your strengths. What makes you a unique educator? Try thinking of your best day as an educator or an experience that made you feel good about the decision to pursue being an educator. Using your strengths and applying them to any challenges can help you stay motivated.
  • Express your ideas and concerns - your voice matters. Consider voicing new ideas or concerns to your supervisor, parents, or other colleagues according to what is suitable. Finding new ideas and creative ways to tackle challenges can make learning a fun process for you and your students.
  • Collaborate - collaborating with other colleagues can not only find common ground and connections but also lead to easy solutions to challenges which everyone goes through. 

What keeps you motivated as an educator? Share in the box below.