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Missing Opportunities

How to cope with missing positive events or activities due to an unexpected event, such as the pandemic.

Creator: @mikacv

We all have lost an opportunitity or event we were looking forard to, whether it be prom, graduation, a wedding, or even something we were used to having every year, like a holiday gathering. How do we overcome the disappointment or sadness that comes from missing these opportunities especially if we catch ourselves dwelling on them and having negative feelings as a consequence? There are a few things we can try and think about to get our minds off of the past missed events.

First, we can practice acceptance. Our negative thoughts and feelings in response to losing something we were looking forward to is very valid and normal, but does staying in the past help us to gain more positivity in the future? Instead we can focus on the present and how we can plan positive events in the now, and also try to enjoy and connect with what is in the future to come. Refocus your negative energy into the present and future in which we can imagine positive experiences. 

Though we covered this strategy already, it can be helpful to looking a silver lining in this case as well. It can be easy to focus on the negative missed opportunities, but try your best to find as many positive aspects of the situation to come. Imagine these positive events and use them as things to look forward to.