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Managing catastrophic thinking

Creator: @cheerfulIceCream

As we have learned earlier, catastrophic thinking involves exaggeration of the importance of the outcome of an event.

In this step, we will learn a simple method to manage catastrophic thinking, by just questioning the actual importance of the outcome!

When you notice your catastrophic thoughts, you can ask yourself questions like -

What if my predictions do come true?

Does it matter as much as think?

How can I cope with the outcome if it does come true?

How might someone who isn't socially anxious view this situation?

If it comes true, will it matter tomorrow? Next week? In a month? In a year?

You can pick some of your thoughts right now if applicable and use the questions to combat em. This will help you recognize that even if there's any negative outcome, the negative outcome isn't as important as you think it is.

In the bigger picture, it doesn't really matter if your voice shakes when giving a presentation. If you are dull in a conversation you have with someone you meet at a wedding if you don't want to or will not see em again. You can afford that! You can surely afford to ask the salesperson "too many" questions even if it offered em. Firstly, it's their job. Secondly, are there any actual outcomes that matter?

Just let yourself breathe. 🤍